Numerology/Astrology for 10/2/21
10/2/21 is the number = 8
Add the 1 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 8.
The Number 8 makes me feel as if we need to take a look at what has died in our life. If anyone has had a normal life, the answer should be many things in our lives have died.
Life is filled with births, deaths, and rebirths.
Life is filled with unexpected twists and turns.
Life does not follow the plan of our mind all the time.
Sometimes dreams also have to die.
Perhaps as we age we have to let go of many things that are no longer in the scope of who we have become.
Situations change and with that our goals and ideals shift. Learning how to surrender to the passage of time is part of life. Recognizing that we have moved into a different time with new requirements is also fortunate if we can learn to embrace the now and release the expectations from the past.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon is still in the dynamic sign of Leo until tomorrow. Then it will go into Virgo to help us get organized and shift into more clarity of action.
But still today, things seem skewed and a bit off. Focus is difficult and this astrology is putting us into stated of confusion and discontent. It is hard to be productive.
While Venus and Pluto are sextiling, supporting us in breaking down those walls that keep restricting our mind, heart and soul, insights are there to help us see past our previous restrictive patterns and give us some options that we did not know we had.
Perhaps it is just that we have had enough. There is a great uneasiness that is plaguing this moment in time.
We really could use some support and just for someone to say thank you occasionally. It is difficult to keep going when we constantly get those who only want to see what is wrong rather than what is right. Tremendous dissatisfaction is making many do things that they might have never considered trying before. Be careful that we are stretching in positive ways. And sometimes positive can be more assertive and direct.
~Suzanne Wagner~
All things will pass into the stary night sky.
All things will grow, whither, and die.
This moment in time is less important than it seems.
This moment is the fabrication of energy, matter, light, and dreams.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I know all the way to my toes, that I refuse to accept the conditions that others want to impose in this world that cause harm and suffering.
I know that many others have tried to accept the responsibility to make significant changes to the dysfunction and hate in this world.
In my many ways I have tried to break the back of racism and projections of so many in relationship to others from different cultures, and places.
Our world proves that this reality allows so many young souls in that have not learned the basics in acceptance and love.
And that is why this dimension exists.
We are here to learn to love in this particular density and circumstance.
We struggle in this duality to figure out how to embrace the vastness that is love.
So many think love is about getting what you want from another.
But love is about acceptance and compassion.
We are supposed to love many things and many people in this life. We are supposed to stretch our narrow understanding of love. We are supposed to learn to embrace that which we fear.
Because when we don’t understand something we fear it. And when we fear it we judge it.
And when we are judging we are in our head not our heart.
~Suzanne Wagner~