October 2, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 10/3/2021 – Plus other things

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 2, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 10/3/21


10/3/21 is the number = 9

Add the 1 + 0 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 9.
The Number 9 pulls at us to find resolution and the exit door out of the current chaos and into something calmer and in a better balance.
Today, listen to the smaller whispers in your core. That intuitive knowing is trying to tell us many things.

While the Divine is always speaking to us, it is up to us to learn to  pay attention and to intend to allow that information to shift our patterns and choices going forward.
While we are in a time of rapid change, that will require us to move in a balanced way between our emotional impulses and our cognitive knowing or lack of knowing, this can be a tricky balance on many levels. So much is happening so quickly and we have to make choices that are new and completely unfamiliar. In such circumstances it is even more difficult to feel clear in those choices.
While intuitive knowing can fill in those empty blanks, some think that the voice they are hearing is their intuition when that voice is actually their ego or another aspect within their own mind.

The problem with those aspects is that they lead us towards decisions that are about protecting ourself and avoidance of past negative emotions.

Intuitive knowing usually comes in as something that has not been thought of before.

It winds its way into your psyche in an unfamiliar way. And that is how you notice it. It is sudden and unexpected. Like a critical piece of information just landed and everything begins to rearrange in your mind.

Anything that sounds familiar is suspect as a manipulation of the mind and ego.

Intuitive hits come out of the blue.

They seem to finally make sense out of a lot of previous pieces that did not seem to fit together.

Intuitive knowing creates blasts of clarity … not more chaos.

Today, look for such insights and when they arrive, move with them and let them enliven what was … into a new potential of what could be.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon will go into Virgo early this morning, bringing with it a greater desire to get organized and to sort out those final things that are bugging you.
The Sun and Venus have decided to pick a fight with Chiron. This brings that feeling that things are just not quite right. Social awkwardness may feel right stronger than normal and there is a deep desire to pull back and into what is familiar and comforting.

Focus continues to be a challenge and there may be a tendency to see things from a place of what is different rather than what is similar.

With the Sun and Chiron pulling at each other, our fears, vulnerabilities, and insecurities seem larger than life.

It seems difficult to make any decision. While today we are learning about who we are in a deeper way, remember to be kind because others are probably feeling in a similarly.

After the past few days it is difficult to feel clear or confident. In such moments, faith is also difficult.

We are learning about many things but mostly about our reactions.

While Mercury in this very upsetting retrograde, it is also trining Jupiter.

It will do this three times total.
The second trine is on September 20th. And the final trine will be Halloween.

Hopefully more and more will be clarified in the coming weeks.

Have faith that things will all work out. Stay positive and trust the universe.

The resolution will give a bit of extra meaning as we move towards our goals.

~Suzanne Wagner~


There are curses from ancient times
That strike at those who commit atrocious crimes.

It sends out an intention to strike at the heart.

Of those who think, laws they can outsmart.

This is a world of peril and pain.

This is a world where those who attain.

Are supposed to make the world a better place.
Not leave trails of blood and disgrace.
I am not here to show those souls what they forgot.
They made choices and allowed themselves to be bought. 
Satan knows the lure of gold and coins.

Satan knows the lust in mankind’s loins.

He waits for a moment to lure in the distressed.

He waits for opportunity to control the oppressed.
Those with the purest of hearts
Cannot sell out to intellect and those who appear so smart.
They would rather have a simpler life.

One that is calm and without strife.

~Suzanne Wagner~



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