January 10, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 1/11/20 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 10, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 1/11/20

1/11/20 is the number 7. If you add the 1 +1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 7.  With all changes comes the hard work of shifting your parameters and agenda to reflect the new way that the world is moving. This year we are going to have a lot of those moments so stay as flexible as you can considering all the major and unexpected changes coming your way. Whatever you have planned will need a multitude of adjustments along the way. Do not become attached to one way or one outcome. You are embarking on new and uncharted territories in your world and personal life. Planning is always good because it calms down the mind and ego but things never go quite as expected. Keep that in mind in planning anything moving forward. ~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon continues to make you want comfort and affection in the morning but shifts into the bold and brave fire sign of Leo. Courage becomes you when  you step up and step into the energetic potential that is promoted by the Moon in Leo.

The Moon squares Uranus making you have some stubbornness in getting what you have been asking for. Though you may not get what you want, you will let others know that you have moved on because of their lack of movement, intention, and fear. Take the confidence and allow the external pressure in the world to not matter.

The Moon square Uranus and so moods are changeable and the shifts complicate things and make things worse.

There is a trine to Mars in Sagittarius wanting that warm and open connection with others. If that is not easily available you will move on. And in truth that is probably a good thing. You do not want to be where you are not wanted and encouraged. The universe is working things out perfectly. Trust the flow. Let go of what is not working and allow the universe to show you something amazing.

Mercury and Ceres align today and you are bringing new ideas and plans into action. Keep teaching, learning, and research on the forefront of your mind. Your conversations are insightful, encouraging and meaningful.

There is tension as the Saturn/Pluto alignment comes into the conjunction on the 12th. Stay calm. Watch for the shift and then roll with it.

~Suzanne Wagner~


“One of the most horrible features

of war is that all the war-propaganda,

all the screaming and lies and hatred,

comes invariably from people

who are not fighting.”

~George Orwell~





This astrology is creating an interesting experience from my clientele. Unwanted surprises that shock and dismay seem to be in the works on many levels. There has been a level of stress that has been increasing over a long time (years) and where the external world does not match your internal expectations. That is where suffering resides. And many are suffering. The attachments we have to the past and the desire for those past patterns to continue unabated is one big place that this world is struggling at this time. Nothing is as it was and it will not be again. I find that those that hold onto rigid mindsets are in the most upset. And them not getting what they want causes them to do things in their pent up anger and frustration that then takes that bottled up anger and lashes it out at those that they want something from that they are not getting. Unfortunately that is unfair and not productive on all levels. It is okay to be upset. It is okay to be angry. It is never okay to be angry and take that anger and hurt more with it. That is what creates these circles of upset that then move past this moment and into the genetic inheritance that is passed down to others. Do you know what is your genetic inheritance? Do you see where you are simply in the learned genetic responses of your ancestors? Or are you conscious enough to move through those moments and be at choice and make decisions that allow for other options and growth? So many things are hitting everyone at this time. Know you are not alone but you also cannot take that pressure out on others. Deal with your own choices and actions, feelings, and upsets. That is how a mature person moves through life. Everyone has frozen selves within their psyche. It is those parts that were wounded and injured that got locked into positions of defense and protection. That does not always allow them to grow and mature. And then much later those parts are what sabotage us into behaviors and choices that are childish and immature. But consciousness and awareness can allow those places to be heard, healed, and shifted into a place where they feel loved, included, and accepted. Then we have choice and do not continue to contribute to our karmic load in this life. We move past the habits and into understanding and care of ourselves and others.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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