October 31, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 11/1/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 31, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 11/1/2021

11/1/21 is the number = 8

Add the 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 8.

The number 8 reminds us to breathe deeply. Breath is the key to being able to move through our personal inner pain.
I try to notice synchronicity in life. Where things overlap between the physical and the metaphysical world indicates that something is important and that usually there is some sort of sign manifesting.

In this case, the Covid Pandemic is all about being able to breathe and the challenges of breathing. And the number 8 is all about the respiratory system.

It is an indicator to me that as a society we are sick in our lungs from suppressing so much inner grief.
This is a number that is about social stress and cultural anxiety over money, housing, retirement, healthcare, and the other obvious situations that are breaking us down.
How often do we feel as if we are holding our breath? Or waiting for the next day of terrible news to hit?

It seems that culturally we all need to acknowledge this deep feeling of suffering in our society and culture.
This is a number that shows where we are in patterns of dysfunction and how that dysfunction needs to come out into the light of day so that it can be acknowledged and eventually healed.

Illnesses from despair and hopelessness are hooked into feelings of worthlessness.
When panic and fear are not dealt with in a consciousness and reasonable way then those feelings of worthlessness turn into powerful egos or they collapse us into being a victim.

It is time to work with such intense emotions rather than suppress or deny them.

Then, perhaps, we can give those complex emotions the space and place to show us the truth that we deny and the ways to grow through the acceptance of those darker and deeper place inside.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Sun will quincunx to Chiron and that will make some things feel a bit uncertain. There can be a feeling of being disconnected and overwhelmed by the situations that seem to constantly want to test our stability and sanity.
It is hard to feel such uncertainty and it makes us feel a bit flat in our expression.
Today, all emotions feel a bit choppy and off.
Know you are not alone.
Some may feel as if they are getting behind on a lot of issues. Even when we are trying to deal with as much as we can directly.
The tempo of the shifts seems to be accelerating in wildly unusual ways.
Do yourself a favor and do not doubt your ability to get things done.
Do not feel bad that you are not on top of things at this time.
Tomorrow will be a new opportunity to gain a few better footholds on this treacherous climb.
There is a path ahead. But it is faint in this current light. Wait for some better clarity before attempting the really hard things.

The Moon is in Virgo till this evening. Then it goes into the balancing and relationship sign of Libra. That gives us a chance to seek the harmony that has been lacking as of late.
Be fair to others.
Know that the best response is a compromise.

~Suzanne Wagner~


It’s November 1st and the holiday season has begun.

Memories arise and many stories and songs are to be sung.
Celebrate the passage of history and time.

Appreciate our ancestors who were determined to climb.
Too often we notice what is missing in our life.

Too often we are bombarded by all the conflict and strife.
That is why the holidays are so powerful and dear.

It makes special moments become refined and more clear.

There are times when we all want is to go home.
Back to those moment when we had the freedom to roam.

And taste those flavors that help us remember a time.

That looked forward to the gathering of family at suppertime.

No matter how old any of us get.

We must not squander the times we have left.

After all, in a very short time.
We may not be enjoying this earthly paradigm.

~Suzanne Wagner~


We have made it to the Month of November!

And we are in those moments when we are preparing to open our hearts (and perhaps) homes to those we love and are a part of our family.
Everyone is in a transition on a massive scale.

We are now almost two years into a pandemic and life has not changed much in our daily routine.

But so much has changed!

It seems everything is different. The world is different. Life is different. People look different. Work is different. Social patterns are vastly different.

And it is so different, we question whether we will ever get back to normal.

But was our past pattern a “healthy” normal?
I am pretty sure it wasn’t.

We were all running in a self-made rat race. And being on that hamster wheel had become so normal that we did not see the tremendous stress, strain and dysfunction we were manifesting. Nor how we were then contributing towards a world that was breaking.

Nature was being destroyed and we were all too busy and stressed to notice or care.

Now, our perspective has radically altered, and we are living in a world where priorities are being shifted because of situations that have manifested to get us to notice and change.

Within this moment of great change, nature shows us a path through this time.

We are to remember what is good in the world. We are here to reconnect to this world in a variety of ways. We are here to learn to cultivate a more graceful posture and temperate disposition.

In the hustle and bustle we lost parts of ourselves and what really mattered.

In this world, we recognize that while we notice the divisions and differences, we were still using our energy to continue to divide and cause manifestations of conflict.
And that is clearly not the best use of our energy.

How do we recognize that a majority of the choices from the past have led us to this precipitous place?

How can we own it completely but in a constructive way?

How can we take the mess that has been created and move it towards a place of resolution, balance, and honorable choices?
I believe we are on a path towards a new perspective.
I believe as difficult as this is … it is ultimately a very good thing.

So, as we are in the times of family and celebration, embrace those connections and traditions. Find solace in being with those closest to you.
Remember that family is at the heart of all cultures and civilizations. And take the time to do those things that we perhaps have not had enough time to fully do.

Give what is deep within your heart. Give what is at the core of who you are.

And have a fabulous holiday season.

~Suzanne Wagner~




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