November 11, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 11/12/2021 – Plus Personal Blopg

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: November 11, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 11/12/2021

11/12/21 is the number = 10

Add the 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 10

The number 10 can be minimized into the number 1. And today, that is where I want to pull the energy.
The Number 1 is the number of the Creator.
It is the number of unity and independence.

It is easier to be a part of a unified whole if one is willing to feel connected to the great power that is the creator of all we see.
The number 1 is a number that asks us to come from the heart.
This number is connected to the actions and archetype of the Dalai Lama.
When I see this number, I try to feel into and imagine how my actions would be different if I was coming from a place of great center, clarity, authenticity, and kindness.
Then I move through my day, intending to make choices based of such places of awareness.
The key is to move all things through my heart before I speak or act.
It is the heart that can bring perspective and soften my reactive self.
It is my heart that reminds me that others are suffering, and their actions are a reflection of a soul in pain.
It is my heart that reminds me that most things are not about me.

We need a world that is willing to check in to what the heart says before we make choices or moves in this world where all actions can trigger more karma or manifest consequences.

When we feel trapped and alone, it is the heart that can find a way through the chaos.

When we are afraid it is the love within that guides us towards a pattern of concern rather than conflict.

When we are wrong, it is the heart that does not judge but has compassion as we learn essential lessons that will help to make us a better person.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

The Moon shifts from Aquarius into the emotionally complicated and intuitive sign of Pisces, as we are deep in dreamland.

So, most of today will be under the Pisces influence expanding our compassionate nature and allowing us to find new ways to give rather than take.

For some, they may choose to step away from conflicts as the Moon really wants to not engage in any forms of discussion that breed more upset.

Look to those places that are asking for compassionate release. Look for those places that remind us of a dream that we perhaps let go of.

With the Sun and Neptune trining today, there is a graceful cycle that wants to help and heal rather than argue and repeat the same old patterns that cause harm and upset.

Today, recognize and accept that this world is filled with people, animals, and things that see from a very different place.
It is time to see the beauty in diversity rather than fight over who is right.
We need to look past the obvious and feel into the heart within that is seeking understanding by holding a particular perspective.
Patience comes when we integrate with the Mercury/Uranus opposition. And that is something that could help us achieve more if we are willing to wait for the right moment.
Not everyone is open when we may want to have a discussion.
Patience comes from recognizing right timing and knowing that many pieces need to be in place before certain things can be successfully engaged.
Mars and Chiron quincunx later in the day, and that can make some feel as if they question their own knowingness.
Try to not make assumptions on what you need or want.
Try to not push your agenda on others.
That will only lead to greater frustration and more conflict.

I know it is difficult to be in those places where you feel it necessary to assert what you believe into the mix but today there are really no openings.

Recognize when your own ego is attached to speaking up. Notice that there are moments when the ego wants to provoke conflict.
Then ask, “Why?”

Then ask, “Is it necessary?” and “Is it truthful?”

Too often in our desire to be heard, our directness is insensitive to others.

That only makes others step further away from us.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Clear skies brighten the mood.

They lure you outside to be renewed.

Its hard to frown when the sun is so bright.

Self-importance diminishes without a fight.

Look up to the sun and let it shine deep inside.

It is a choice to change rather than backslide.

The game is forward, as it has always been.

The energy is now so take joy for a spin.

Be silly and roll in the grass.

That makes every moment first class.

All we need is to remember this moment now.

No need to ponder why or how.

~Suzanne Wagner~


It is a clear and beautiful day here in northern California. It is my favorite temperature and a perfect day for a walk. Which I plan to do later.

The mama bear came by last night with her kids again. Knocking things over and trying to make a mess.
I banged on the window, opened the window, and made loud noises so she would high-tail it out.
My husband got up and shot off the shotgun to scare her away.

She is nothing if not persistent.

We don’t even have any garbage in the storage area.

She has almost destroyed the door twice.

My husband fixed it both times and reinforced it.

But he reminds me that a bear is very strong and the only thing that stops a bear is an electric fence.

And that is not what either of us are looking to try to do.

Too many critters around here.

But the banded pigeons seem to have flown south for the winter.

So now the regular birds are able to do their thing without the additional stress of a flock of pigeons.

I am grateful for the sun.
Grateful for the rain.
Grateful for the cool air.
And grateful that despite the challenges of living with nature and in nature, there is peace and quiet.
I can hear the winds rustling the leaves.
I can hear the acorns dropping.
I can hear my own thoughts.
I can find my own rhythm.
And I can focus on those things that make life interesting and intentional.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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