Numerology/Astrology for 11/13/2021
11/13/21 is the number = 11
Add the 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11
Today is the number 11 or a number 2.
Let’s start with the number 2. It longs to belong. Numbers … just like people … have a process of evolution that we all go through.
The numbers attempt to show us the patterns of mental development that are an integral part of life and love.
At first, we attempt to be humble, open, and heart-felt (the number 1). Then we evolve and move into those places of needing to be a part of a group, community, religion, civilization, or intellectual grouping (the number 2).
We all belonged to either religious groups, social groups, school clubs, etc. We are connected to those whose beliefs aligned with our personal preferences and principles at that time.
And as we grew, those groupings shifted.
All of us in America see ourselves in this bigger group called, “An American”, or a “Boomer, Millennial” etc. And those groupings help others define who we are and what we think or believe in.
But in the process of belonging, we split the mind also into groupings. And that duality of the mind is an evolutionary process that allows for discernment, noticing new things, and defining what we perceive as good and bad.
That often leads to conflict. At the beginning we need to belong to a group to feel safe. It is the process of groups to stick together, protect each other, and this is a level of mind and ego that we can get stuck in and never fully evolve past.
That is because all groups require a level of obedience and following along with the thought processes and logic of the rules of that group.
While this is a necessary level, all great teachers, gurus, and mystics belonged to some group originally. And they had to break away and eventually find their own truth and path.
That is why the number 2 can split into the 1 + 1 or an 11.
The number 11 uses the discernment to understand the duality, see it, integrate it, but then learn to become the master over their own mind.
This number is the number of the “Eternal”. It looks beyond the known and familiar and reaches into those places that manifest new possibilities.
While we all have a desire to belong, and we have places that we identify with as a typology for who we want to become. We can also be much more.
My suggestion today is to step out of labels that act in ways without conscience or concern for this world and remember that we need to learn to co-exist.
If we need labels, how about just being a good, kind, concerned person that wants to help the planet?
How about being an honest person who is a seeker of truth?
How about a person who looks beyond the obvious and into the longer impact of choices and decisions rather than the immediate gratification of choices from a group or “hive” mind?
Notice if you are hiding behind the mask of a label. Notice if your soul is feeling constrained and not feeling good in that space. That is an indicator that it is time to break out of that protected bubble that inhibits one from seeing those deeper places inside.
The way we grow is by breaking out of groups that no longer hold the values that we find essential and helpful.
Perhaps today, is that day. Perhaps today, is a day where we can feel brave enough to step out of the rules imposed by others and finally make our own path in the world rather than follow along the pathways created by others.
It should be the goal of each and every one of us.
No one can walk the path for us.
We have to find our own way, take our own risks, and break ground to discover our purpose in this world.
One that is beyond the old patterns of security and safety.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon in Pisces continues to deepen and enhance our awareness. It aligns with Neptune and encourages us to be imaginative and more compassionate.
Then the Sun brings more light onto the current subjects and allows for a more cooperative environment.
Try to relax and take a more peaceful and patient perspective. Insights come in when we stop fighting in our own mind. If you let that thought go, you might discover a new way to see the same pieces of information.
What we perceive is in our head and is what our mind concluded around the particular pieces of information that it had, and then compared it to the experiences in our life.
Minds love to come to conclusions.
Just know that most conclusions are automatically flawed.
These days, especially, it is very difficult to get all the information right. There are so many out there that intend to confuse and conflate. There are so many that want to fuel more fires of chaos and mayhem for their own pleasure.
I never listen to those who are obviously giving information from a place of reaction and revulsion. They are instantly suspect because truth is calming and integrative. Not inflaming in ways that intend to stir up more upset and fear.
Mercury and Uranus are in opposition, causing tensions to mount around many forms of communication. Know that Uranus keeps trying to get us to alter plans and reorganize what we thought was settled.
This Uranus in Taurus is going to continue to disrupt us for five more years. So, know that all those patterns of comfort from your entire past are going to go up in flames.
Might as well throw out that old playbook. It is obsolete from this point forward.
What is required from us now, it is be flexible and highly innovative. Resisting new ideas will not stop this powerfully progressive movement.
It will only leave you behind.
Some decide (when challenged) to be confrontational and/or controversial.
That is such a childish approach to the powerful shifts that are going to be hitting all of us.
Time to grow up and stop arguing about things that just are.
We are all having to adapt to a very new reality. One that is not going away any time soon.
While it has caused friction and upset, one cannot live forever is a place of drama. It is just too exhausting.
Everyone …. And I mean everyone is going to have to change. No one will be untouched by this powerful time in history. Those that cannot adapt will make other choices that can and will cause great grief and pain to others.
In the bigger scheme of things, change will be the easier karmic path and one with the greatest rewards in the long run.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The ravens warn all those within hearing range that dangers afoot.
They see more than us and do not need our input.
But we could learn to listen just as nature takes heed.
Of all the calls that describe what is happening and those with great speed.
The ravens track the predators as they slink in the grass.
They are the security system for those that trespass.
Into the domain of those creatures that are a part of their home.
They have the freedom and flight to see as they roam.
I love how the ravens let everyone know.
I love how they warn us when the wind will blow.
They are smarter than you and me.
They have a wider vision that tries to see.
All things hidden from those on the ground.
All things lost, wandering, and turned around.
~Suzanne Wagner~