Numerology/Astrology for 11/14/2021
11/14/21 is the number = 12
Add the 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 12. 1 + 2 = 3
Today is the number 3 brings us to the places of looking upwards towards those things that are fulfilling and positive.
It is the trinity, Virgin, Mother, Crone. It is the Father, Son, Holy Ghost. It is the Mother, Father, Child.
It is a number that shows that when there is a triangle there is greater stability and the merging of the duality that the Number 2 produces something new, the Number 3.
Three different points or perspectives can allow us to zero in on an exact place in space and time.
It is a number that allows for the growth of expression, imagination, and enthusiasm.
So today, take a look at what allows you to expand your perspective. Notice what is calling for your clear objectivity. Imagine what type of world we could create if we allowed our imagination to guide and inspire us to look past all the judgment and into those places where there is no right, no wrong, but choices that allow us to learn and become better.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon shifts from Pisces into the enthusiastic and bold sign of Aries mid-morning. Sometimes, a direct approach is advised. No more dancing around the obvious. Say what you want and mean what you say.
While the Aries Moon gives us some gumption and drive, we also have Venus not in a happy place.
So, it can take the punch out of the words spoken.
And perhaps that is a good thing.
Venus is semi-squaring to Jupiter, and it is moving into the square with Chiron. It can make many things disconcerting, and relationships strained.
We are to try to do our best to stop from being too idealistic and look towards appreciating what we have more than desiring what we want or need.
Watch out for making huge purchases. This is not a wise move under this astrology. Be frugal. Know that massively impressive gifts are a sign of insecurity and a fear of loss.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The study of Numerology and Tarot has helped me see into the rhythms and patterns of life. But in that sequence, there is the potential to move beyond the systems that define this reality and return back to the natural space of the soul’s knowing of oneness.
In the process of understanding this dimension and linear time, we must experience the duality of life. Once we experience it, we must master the awareness of being within this duality, and yet, returning to the self.
The minds desire to organize and structure reality, will tend to divide and sort based on oppositional patterns and experiences.
While that is handy (on so many critical levels) to master this density, it can continue to pull us apart. Once we recognize that split in ourselves and the world, we understand that we must come back to the oneness of the self and that divine spark within each of us and all of life.
One of the easy places to recognize is that when you look into the eyes of another living creature or feel into the lifeforce and essence of any living thing, we can see a mirror of ourselves.
Then we recognize that there is no other.
There is no duality at all. Because the number two does not exist except in the mind. If we are all one part of a greater whole, there is no need for fighting, winning, war, conflict, comparison, judgment, or being better than another.
Because if duality does not exist then what if the idea of the number one also may not exist.
But we often must reclaim the self in order to recognize that there also is no “I” or “Me”. That is because the self cannot be counted as any form of a unit.
As a psychic, in the art of channeling, more often than not, there is no, “I” speaking. There is always a “We” speaking.
There is no striving to achieve in the real journey home. No one is walking there alone. We are all walking each other home.
Home is not a place but an unraveling and an undoing of the beliefs that separate and divide in this dimension.
Happiness is not a locked door that you have to learn how to open or figure out where the key is.
Happiness is where you recognize the edge of your own darkness and simply decide to lean into that edge.
That is when you recognize that there was no door. There was no darkness only a new edge of light to be experienced.
Awareness comes when you recognize that it is the nature of source to open all doors. It is the mind that manifests those doors. And it is the soul that must learn to step in when the mind speaks from the voice of negation and negative self-worth.
Awareness recognizes that pushing is just another element of being in the duality.
Awareness knows that all one needs to do is to relax and put your back against what seems scary, and the egoless self will just naturally and effortlessly fall into the next illumination of knowing.
~Suzanne Wagner~