Numerology/Astrology for 11/3/19
11/3/19 is the number 8. It makes you sad to see the dysfunction in the world. It makes you want to do something but you cannot open a closed mind until they are miserable enough to want to get honest feedback. Change happens when they are ready not when you want it to. You cannot push a river faster than it plans to go. Nor can you push another person into enlightenment if they are not emotionally mature enough to see truth as essential for their next steps in spiritual evolution. It pains me that there are so many people trapped in places of karmic suffering and know that they are suffering needlessly. But none of us can do another’s karmic learning for them. They must unwind the patterns of dysfunction for themselves. And you must learn to love them while they do that even if you cannot stay in close proximity while they do it. You have to not waste your life waiting for someone to recognize how much you are loving them even when you are not buying into their patterns of karmic dysfunction.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
As you are having your last few dreams, the Aquarius moon flows in bringing with it a social moment to meet with friends and opening to new ideas for healing this world. Just remember to keep your feet on the ground as your mind flies into the possibilities.
Late Monday-early Tuesday, the Mars square Pluto, fully engages in a somewhat rude planetary combination. Definitely don’t force issues and give angry people a wide berth. But you can use this to take action to transform your life and let something go, be it stuff, people or attitudes and behaviors.
The Moon in Aquarius sextile Venus in Sagittarius. New honest aspects are presenting in marriages and relationships. You intend to connect in ways that are less about being right and more about being truthful. You no longer care what another thinks. And you will not back down in the face of another’s obvious dysfunction.
The Moon squares Uranus. Expect a few testy replies and bad tempers just might be the norm. Fluctuating moods make problems more severe. Restraint is a good skill to learn today. Otherwise you might be poking a really pissed off bear.
Venus trines (the wounded/healer/teacher) Chiron today. More moments to heal your past and to open to remember what is really important. Do not let another’s pattern stop you from telling the truth. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Others do not heal when you buy into their dysfunction but when you refuse to allow their pattern to continue to harm them. You have to be willing to risk it all. You have to be willing to give it all away. Truth must be a guiding force in your life, otherwise you allow your own patterns of karma to keep acting out the dysfunction over and over again. And then you will also allow another’s dysfunction to run “games” around you. I personally don’t like games. They are tiring and a waste of energy. Problem is that most don’t even know they are playing them. They are so used to the reality they weave around others that they can no longer see the truth. While you can try to point it out again and again, most still cannot see what they are doing that is so dysfunctional. That is why walking away is the only way. Know that you have to often wait for another day and sometimes those days take years before they too tire of the pattern and are finally open to feedback. Never force your truth on another. They have to be open enough to want to see past the block that keeps them ensnared. While human weakness is beautiful, when it is in the way of authentically connecting with another from a place of pure heart, it is sad. Very sad.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Truth must be a guiding force
in your life, otherwise you allow
your own patterns of karma to keep
acting out dysfunctional behaviors
again and again.
If you cannot see your own karmic loop
then you will not be able to see
another’s dysfunction. Then you are
allowing their dysfunction
to run “games” around you.
I personally don’t like games.
They are tiring and a waste of energy.
Problem is that most don’t even
know they are playing them.
That is why walking away is the only way.
Know that you have to often wait
for another day. And sometimes those days
take years before the person tires
of the pattern and are finally open
to feedback. Never force your truth
on another. They have to be open enough
to want to see past the block that
keeps them ensnared.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I am finally at a place in my life where I fully recognize that you cannot rescue anyone from their own karma. Everyone has to do the work themselves. But more importantly they have to be willing to do what it will take, to step past their beliefs and habits to move into truth. In the world right now there are so many spewing opinions about everything. No one person has the corner on the truth. But truth can be checked and verified. If you hold truth deep within, you are not afraid of your position being checked by another or against facts. When you are afraid of facts you are clearly in the darkest recesses of karma.
You have placed yourself in a position that you are literally afraid of the light.
And you have identified as that darkness you are projecting onto others.
The truth is that you are the light not the darkness. But until you are willing to embrace the light, that darkness will drain your soul of its goodness.
With everyone there is a breaking point. A point at which you cannot perpetuate the lie another second. A point when you cannot live with yourself if you continue the illusion. A point when you finally see that the suffering you are creating is hurting more than just yourself.
That is the point of truth.
That is the point when you take responsibility for your actions ….. and change.
~Suzanne Wagner~