Numerology/Astrology for 11/3/2021
11/3/21 is the number = 10
Add the 1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 10.
The number 10 charges in, filled with vim and vigor.
We are here to embrace aliveness, find courage, and step towards the unknown.
This number is filled with ideas, possibilities, and excitement as we reach towards something that is unfamiliar but exciting.
There is so much power when we simply step beyond our known reality.
There is so much freedom when we choose change, over the familiar.
There is so much aliveness when we step beyond comfort.
The number 10 encourages us to try.
The number 10 is not afraid for parts to die.
The number 10 sees fear and smiles as it passes by.
The number 10 breathes in the air and is willing to fly.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon is in Libra till this evening, at which point, it goes into the emotionally complex sign of Scorpio.
While it is in Libra, it will align with Mercury in the afternoon, making balanced communication and harmony more important.
The Moon and Mercury will conjunct and that is all about noticing how our emotions are coloring our styles, words, and external body language.
Learning to be congruent inside and outside is tough. We have layers of behaviors that come out through our body language when we like or dislike something.
But do those behaviors really serve that deeper soul within?
It is a great question to look at.
As the day progresses, there is something deeper calling to us. We are on a journey of self-discovery to awaken something within each of us.
We are discovering courage, boldness, and risk. All things that can be scary to embrace. But this is a beginning of an amazing process to transform our old self into something new.
~Suzanne Wagner~
When one is afraid, it is safer to gather more information.
When one is more secure, there is a bolder and more confident presence that strides forward into this world.
When one is courageous, one notices the edges and recognizes fear as the illusionary barriers that are to be broken to remember, recognize, and reclaim who we truly are.
~Suzanne Wagner~
As we try to find new ways to stand in this world, it is about allowing spaces and places for others to also find their own unique way also.
I am always fascinated how minds will make up a story to justify a very big change that they have been needing to do.
And this time in history is remarkable in how it is propelling some out of stuck places, jobs, relationship, etc… because of a made-up external factor.
The stories people create to justify having the courage to leap into new spaces is so very interesting to watch.
What I recognize is that they need to leap.
Often, they have been terribly stuck. Sometimes for decades.
So, to me it does not matter what they use as an incentive to finally have the courage to leap.
It does not matter what information they utilize to justify drawing that line and making that change.
And that is why we need to softly walk through this world at this time.
Everyone has used a reason to justify major shifts in their life.
Everyone has felt stuck.
Everyone needs to make big shifts … right now.
That is because the world is going to rapidly shift in ways that we cannot completely understand or even comprehend.
Courage is something that must have an ignition point. Like a fire that starts a wick so that the dynamite will go off.
While that is a violent picture, change is often violent in nature.
Shifts are rarely passive and peaceful.
Something has to be believed so strongly that a person finds a source of internal power that is fueled by the spark of a belief.
How often … later on … down the road … have I realized that what I believed was not actually true.
What was real was that I was destined, asked, and cajoled to make a shift.
And the angels and guides used whatever they could to get me motivated to do just that.
That is why even now, I do not care what anyone believes.
I care about what it motivates them to do.
If it motivates them to step away from a terrible situation, a deadening marriage, or an exhausting job, and it helps them move towards being a better person that is more alive, awake, and happy, then I am all for it.
Sometimes, the fuel for change is a reaction.
Notice the reactions of others, but then look to what it is propelling them to do.
If the end result, is one that is positive and something that has been needing to occur for a long time. Who cares what got them there?
So many times, I really believed my choices would create a particular outcome.
So many times, it created something very, very different.
But the choice was never the wrong choice.
The outcome I saw in my mind, was a fantasy that was not based on what my soul needed but what my mind needed to justify that change.
In the end, those choices became the paving stones that marked the passage of this life and experience.
Paving stones that delineated a trail through the jungles of chaos and the human condition.
Paving stones that hopefully will remain for others to find and follow.
We are here to cut unique pathways in this density.
While some are deeply personal. Others are there to show a shortcut for others that follow and that seek a similar level of awareness and truth.
I have followed the paving stones of many great seekers in this life, and they have often showed me the pathway up the apparently insurmountable cliffs of my mind’s creation.
And now it is my turn to lay a few myself, as an offering of hope, a pathway towards a greater heart, and a prayer for humanity to find that which it seeks.
~Suzanne Wagner~