Numerology/Astrology for 1/14/15
As today’s date is the number 5. Therefore today is the day to look towards your health and well-being. After all, this body is supposed to last you a life time and while your immune system needs to get sick every once in a while to exercise its ability to fight infection, be aware of those around you that are sick and support them in taking care of themselves so they do not get others sick. As this flu thing is really going around it is wise to pay attention to what supports your health and the health of those you love. It is a grounding day and so it might be wise to clean out those closets and clear clutter. Mercury sextiles Uranus this morning, and it’s a good time for new insights, as well as original and creative ideas. You can take advantage of your ability to see things in a new light by breathing life into old projects or solving problems in new, creative ways. Varying your usual routine may be especially rewarding. The Moon is in Scorpio all day, and all that is hidden, taboo, secret, or suppressed is of interest. Mars and Saturn are approaching a square, exact early into the day tomorrow. You may be dealing with anger that’s been suppressed, frustrations to getting what you want, slowdowns, or a feeling of being blocked. Your desire to take action or to constructively express your aggressive urges feels thwarted or blocked. It can feel like more effort than usual is required to complete your regular routines and tasks.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Nobody has the power to take two steps together. You can only take one step at a time.
Realization takes time. What I mean by that is that recognizing what your abilities are and aren’t takes great courage. One of the things I love about this time is that most work situations are specialized and no one is actually capable of completely knowing everything at once. So we focus on what interests us and become an expert or very skilled in a particular area. That makes it easy but at the same time we can have the illusion that because we are very good at one thing does not mean that we make good choices or have awareness about everything. That is where the realization takes place. Realizing what you do well and what you do not do well is not about seeing things as success and failure but rather about accepting and understanding your specialization and allowing others (in their specialty) to assist you in your weaker areas. I know that for myself learning how to allow others to help made me unravel this belief about failure. In truth no one is expected to be perfect in every moment and in every way. We all need each other. When you accept where you have a limitation it does not mean that you are not amazing in other areas, it just means that you are limited because of your life choices and preferences. You have the capacity to learn anything you want it is just that it is almost impossible to learn everything in one life. Today, ask for help. Don’t try to do everything. Let others in. Listen to their feedback if they are better at something. It is a beautiful gift to give another when you honor their contribution whether it is big or small. Everyone has value and everyone has gifts to give and share.
~Suzanne Wagner~