Numerology/Astrology for 11/4/2021
11/4/21 is the number = 11
Add the 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11.
The number 11 is the number of invention and originality. It seems that we need to find those very unique parts within to help us navigate this tremendous time of awakening.
The quality of this number is uncertainty. The temperament of this number is one of chaotic flow.
All drastic shifts in life have a sudden and unanticipated quality.
We are in one of these moments. Take the time to allow the flow of uncertainty to help carry us in a different direction.
Change is necessary.
Change is the future.
And we will need to change with it.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
You might have noticed how dark the night sky has been the past few days. That is because we are at a New Moon in Scorpio this afternoon around dinner time.
Many of us have been feeling in the dark for a variety of reasons.
Such moments make the mind stress, as it seeks out ways to feel as if we have some illusion of control.
In our world many forms of obsessiveness seem rampant.
It is time we work towards addressing our emotional challenges in a more constructive way.
There seems to be too much stuff weighing us down. Some of it seems to be emotional obligations.
For others it is a lack of time for self-care.
And for others, it is the hanging onto things from our past that are making our homes and lives feel congested and stuck.
Notice what you need to do to lighten your load.
And then … take action.
It is impossible to be effective and have concentration and focus if too many things are pulling at us from too many directions.
Why hang on to things when so many of the motivations are a distortion of what is really of value in life?
Too much stuff is a deflection for real intimacy. Intimacy requires full presence with another.
At times that can be challenging.
Intimacy is a choice to completely stop a habit and behavior in order to connect with another in meaningful ways.
In life, there will always be “stuff” that tries to get in the way.
Just remember, that you are good enough to have beauty, love, and kindness in your life.
Develop a life filled with purpose and allow that purpose to take you deeper into things that actually matter.
There are many that fear direct confrontations at this time where there is so much intensity.
I do not blame anyone for that hesitation.
Many moments are filled with uncomfortable emotions that bring up feelings that we would prefer to not notice.
The Moon and Uranus oppose today. Just know that there will be a lot of resistance from the external world. Best to not ask for too much from others today and maybe even the next few days.
People are on an edge and not able to accommodate another change.
Everyone feels touchy and out of sorts. Distractions are rampant and the frustration levels are high. Those that feel deeply constrained will want to create disruptions. We need to look at the motivations of others and see how to shift our responses from an old way of generalizations into much more specific ways that allow for individuality and expression that redefines how we interact with others.
Many things need to be reviewed.
Many things are showing vulnerabilities in our systems. Many things are moving in innovative ways that push us out of our comfort zone.
Know that this constant sense of change is going to continue for a long time.
We are in a time of great change and change that has a direction and purpose, even if it seems not clearly defined at this time.
Something is seeking us.
That energy is required to mold us into a new form. One that (at the moment) is feeling unfamiliar and uncomfortable.
But hopefully it will be something that has the power to carry us into a joyful future.
~Suzanne Wagner~
So many times, in life, I have wanted to let it all go.
All the distortion and all those who pretend to know.
While I do not know all the facts and figures.
I do know that universal truths do not disfigure.
Universal truths are the bedrock of the soul.
They are the DNA upon which life is able to roll.
~Suzanne Wagner~
How do we find a door that is unknown?
How do we reach for dreams that have flown?
I learned in life that special moments will pass.
And that life goes on .. so stop, and roll in the grass.
We forget to embrace moments as they come.
We forget to dance even if there is no music or drum.
Why not listen to the flow and the feelings inside?
And let our emotions flow with the tide.
Too often we worry about what others think.
That fear stops our dreams and makes us shrink.
We have stepped through the walls in our mind.
We have made it a choice to be considerate and kind.
Joy is a pattern that embraces all change.
Joy takes energy and can rearrange.
Patterns of dysfunction, disharmony and rage.
And enough joy can help us turn the page.
Depression hooks us into the grief of what might have been.
Depression says we must take it on the chin.
But when we realize that our mind is beating us up.
Then we learn to keep our chin up.
No one can pull us down more than our own mind.
That is why it is up to us to be especially kind.
And embrace all that we have ever been.
The good, the bad and love the scars on our skin.
While we may not be perfect, the flaws help us refine.
What we know to be good and allows us to redefine.
Those things we have judged, and those things hidden in the past.
When we allow joy to lead, we cannot be an outcast.
Let the joy find the doorways we seek.
Step on joys path and she will give you a peek.
At what we might have missed in the chaos of life.
And that will lead us to become larger-than-life.
~Suzanne Wagner~