Numerology/Astrology for 11/6/2021
11/6/21 is the number = 13
Add the 1 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 13. 1 + 3 = 4
The number 4 shows us that being objective and calm, supports a world that has more neutrality and balance.
If we are to learn how to create a better world, we need to first step past emotional reactivity and the need to put labels on people and things.
Balance is learned and when we recognize that it is important and something that as a world we want to maintain.
Often when we are young, we are naturally in the flow of organic balance. But as we develop our left brain, and engage with the external human reality, that pulls us out of alignment and into the domains of stress and projection.
But such a world is an exhausting one. And one that does not feed our soul. That is what gives us an impetus to seek another expression of our life.
I am hearing it from many people.
The world that we have created is not one that they want to continue to live in.
So many are seeking a better work/life balance. Companies are not going to be able to manipulate the workers in the same ways that they have for centuries. People are finally noticing that “keeping up with the Jones’s” is not a goal they wish to continue.
A more simple and happy life is attractive in a way that it never was before.
Living in a place and space that has a less frenetic tempo is more important.
And having a life not a career or some important mission is what is most sought after.
I believe that there are movements to get back to a type of life that supports real connection with others.
We are starving for deeper intimacy and connection. We are starving for peace. And I hope that allows this world to spin in a different way that allows us to dance more and rush less.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon is in Sagittarius, supporting us in getting out this weekend and to have an adventure. Perhaps taking a trail that is filled with color and the fall leaves would be a wonderful interlude.
Explore the outdoors before it gets bitterly cold.
Give yourself permission to discover what is around the next bend in a trail.
Let nature paint a landscape that is wondrous and memorable.
Mercury and Venus have shifted into new signs and those planets are sextiling each other. This gives us a deeper place to connect and to bring more warmth into the mix.
Somehow compromises seem easier and finding common ground is possible. We might need to have a lot of details ironed out before we get to the final version and agreement but at least we are in a place that supports a coming together.
It is a good weekend for a bit of romance and the focus is on those that we partner with in life.
Conversation’s flow and feelings are easier to express.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Dance while you can.
Dance into the setting sun.
Dance in the moonlight.
Dance as the sun rises.
Every breath is a dance of air.
Every sky is a panorama of movement and light.
Every expression is a feeling trying to escape the physical world.
Every twinkle in the eye is a reminder of home.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The passion of dance is what always pulls me in.
It is that amazing balance between training, skill, art, and risk.
I loved the routine and the discipline of those ballet classes that set the tone for our rehearsal day. Daily ballet class felt like being in a bootcamp.
All the dancers get up, get dressed, put their warmup’s on and go into an often-cold studio and sit on the floor and start stretching.
I remember being young and walking into the studios in Berlin.
I was always early because the cleaning ladies would have cleaned the room early in the morning and would have opened the windows to get the smell of sweat and stinky bodies out of the space.
But the room was then freezing cold.
I would close the windows and turn up the radiant heaters full blast.
Everyone in Berlin has various leg warmers (usually personally knitted), full bodysuits that were also knitted, sometimes caps, and/or sweaters on.
We all looked like quite a motley crew.
Sitting on the floor in the splits, trying to warm the muscles up, flexing and pointing the feet, rolling the ankles to get some blood flowing into the extremities.
I remember, Rudolf Nureyev coming in with tattered warm up leggings and his famous ski cap on.
I remember, Eva Evdokimova, with her also tattered warm up leggings and her fresh face with no makeup and a bright smile stretching on the floor.
While some “stars” such as Eva, were so down to earth and easy going, Rudi was very much an energy that changed the tone and seriousness of the room when he walked in.
Rudi was very serious about his technique and what he personally needed for his body.
After all, he was older when I knew him. And older than most dancers in the room.
If the teacher did not give the steps that he wanted or required, he would pull down the ski cap over his eyes and just do what he wanted for each exercise.
Such things were never done in the regimented world of ballet. The teacher was “god”, and you did what you were told.
No questions asked and for sure no attitude!
It would instantly create a tension in the room and the teachers face would morph into an irritated hag.
Rudi was the only primadonna I have every really met. Every other great dancer seemed to be very down to earth and approach class as the process to becoming better. They could find a way to navigate what they needed by stretching in between the steps given by the teacher.
I have had great teachers and some that were less than helpful in maintaining my technique and skill.
But one learns to cope with all of them.
That is what is required.
Class is where you get your body back into a place where it responds quickly to what is required of it.
Class wakes up the muscles and stimulates the nerves.
Class is like a cup of coffee to a dancer.
It is warming and that warmth spreads and circulates throughout the body until you feel strong, yet supple.
From there, the day progressed into rehearsals, lunch breaks, and more rehearsals, with sometimes a performance in the evening.
In Berlin there was a big break in the middle of the day because it was the only time, we had to go grocery shopping.
Stores back then were not open later in the evening. And refrigerators were small and did not hold much other than one or two days of food.
It seemed as if life was nonstop movement.
But it was alive and it was fun. Crazy antics were constantly happening from the “clowns” of the group. Which (more often than not) were the gay men.
When you do (literally) everything together for months and years at a time, you get to know the temperament and mannerisms of each person intimately.
But dancers are a focused and serious group.
Even chatting, they are still stretching and warming up. Even learning the next set of exercises, they are moving and shaking off tension in their bodies.
And quirks are accepted and a part of what makes a dance company interesting and deeply intimate.
In a dance company there are those that are attracted to the process of self-discipline and high-degrees of accountability.
Everything rides on your ability to accomplish a task or not. And if you cannot do what is asked, you are fired. It is that simple.
And everyone knows it.
So, while there is a craziness that is effervescent in a ballet company, there is also a type of focus and intensity that underlies all things.
Being in a ballet company gives each of us something that is hard to explain.
Comradery is a part of it.
But it is comradery with competition.
Because we were always striving to be better.
We learned by watching the skills of others.
We took risks because we could see others do things we could not.
We asked and got feedback from those more skilled because how they felt, perceived, and mentally constructed m0vement in their mind was helpful to us finding a pathway through our own nervous system to make a quality of movement happen.
And there is a humbleness in dancers. Because no one ever thinks, they are good enough. There is always someone better than you. There is always something new to strive for. There is always a way to make something better.
The fulfilment is in the expression of the most subtle nuance that has the power to carry itself out from the stage and to be read and felt by the audience at the top balcony.
Dance is a skill set that allows what we feel within to touch the hearts and souls of others in such a way that as they open to the movement and expression that we show them. They feel the freedom and abandon of their soul expand beyond their own body and that essence is then captured on a great wave that is brought back to the dancer, which then feeds that energy into a powerful loop that continues on through this world and into the infinite of space and beyond time itself.
~Suzanne Wagner~