November 9, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 11/9/2020 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: November 9, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 11/9/20

11/9/20 is the number = 15 or the number 6.

Add the 1 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 and you will get the number 15. Add 1 + 5 = 6

The number six shows the connection of two triangles overlapping each other. The upward pointing masculine triangle merges with the downward pointing feminine triangle and a new energy of purity and spirituality emerges. This is why it is called the Arc Line or Arc of Purity.

The Star of David represents the unification of heaven and earth; the union of the spiritual and physical worlds. As those two forces come together they create the space where God can connect to us in the physical plane.

The number six is considered one of the four perfect numbers (1+2+3=6). It illustrates the merging and surrender of our independent positions to a new and expanded connection to the divine.

The circumference of a globe is fixed at 360 degrees, or six sixties. Our hour is divided into 60 minutes, each of 60 seconds.

In the positive sense, the number six represents structured religions and unconditional love. It is the spiritually reclusive celibate who wants to do things in the correct way and connect to God.

In the negative sense, the number six can be dogmatic, right/wrong oriented, rigid in its belief systems, and reclusive.

The Lesson of the Number 6 is to use honesty in communication, as we are only as good as our word to others.

Order is important today. Seek to find the order for this new life emerging …. then allow that to be our guide.

This number indicates that it is time to adapt to the changing environment and address our restless nature. It is time to go within and discover and uncover those things that keep us from deeper intimacy. Do not withdraw when feelings get hurt. Everyone has trauma and none of us ever know when triggers will arise. People are not intentionally trying to hurt us. Those that feel unworthy (for any reason) can accidentally lash out at someone when they are open and vulnerable. Remember that everyone has been going through a lot of stress. Stress is the number 1 culprit to saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

This is an important week, in ways that may not be obvious at this time.

The Moon moves into Virgo to start the work week on Monday and Tuesday. Things that need to be addressed might feel heavier and more serious. Try to have the conversation from a more objective place rather than spewing emotion everywhere.

Monday is an essential day to work on relationship. The planets Venus and Mars are in conflict with each other …. still. Take a moment to determine if the actions being taken are are in alignment with us being our best self. It seems that what we want … and what we believe we need are being put to the side.
Look beneath the obvious meaning to the actions of others. Know that jealousies are running at a high level and passions are impulsive and erratic. Do not go into confrontation mode with others. Walk away.

Mercury is now direct and moves into Scorpio (again), the sign it went retrograde in on October 13. Notice the depth of the reflections that are coming into our new global awareness. Notice the overlaps to our past unresolved selves. Notice the triggers and attempt to talk about them. Most conversations may feel as if they take a deeper emotional toll. Noticing where we feel not supported is important because we do need to have a conversation about that.

Where is the middle ground? That middle is a good place to stand but it can also bring complications. It is a good moment to be self-directed and more independent. What is aggravating is that things seem so confusing and hard to pin down.

Fortunately, the Sun is heading towards a trine to Neptune which is exact tomorrow and it allows in for a more balanced state of grace. Intuition helps us find the clarity and understanding that will allow us to find the beauty in this moment.

~Suzanne Wagner~


People with opinions just go
around bothering each other.
Set your heart on doing good.
Do it over and over again,
and you will be filled with joy.




The way through this painful divide is the quote I put up above. It is best to put all opinions to the side and to just do good things in the world for anyone and anything that compel our hearts to take action.
It matters not to who or to what we are expressing that support and action. It is only important that we begin to heal this divided and suffering world with concrete actions that mean something to the other.

It is when we reach out with our heart to those suffering that the goodness and power within humanity is most beautifully expressed.
I wish for a world that is compelled to “pay it forward” with good deeds and heart-felt contributions.

I wish for a society that is measured by those good deeds and not by things that do not contribute to a better world.

I lift a glass to toast the return of hope.
I lift a glass to toast the return of civility.
I lift a glass to toast the return of
acceptance to our diversity.
I lift a glass to toast the return of
what our country represents.
I lift a glass to toast the return of
the promise that true democracy
holds for our world.
I lift a glass to toast the return of
kindness and peace.
I lift a glass of my own tears to
toast the saving of our beautiful planet.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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