January 19, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 1/20/20 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 19, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 1/20/20

1/20/20 is the number 7. If you add the 1 +2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 7.

Perhaps today, you can reflect more deeply on the perfection of the patterns in the lives of others. If you can do that then you can also see the perfection of your own life’s pattern. And you begin to see that your belief that you have control over the important sequences in your life, become revealed as illusions. It becomes clear that something much wiser than yourself, your soul, or your ego was a Grand Director to the magnificence of this life’s lessons and decisions.
You are a willing participant into a master work of experience and feeling.
You can contribute your unique energy, magic, and perspective into that Grand Directors idea and theme but you are not a single creator but a contributor to that masterful creation. And that is a miracle, when you realize the vastness of that product and how many people it influences and impacts. So while you thought you had impact in your small ego way. In this way, you can see a much wider impact and one that changes the course of many lives and influences many actions as they move into the future.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

With the Moon in Sagittarius, taking some time off and having an adventure is perfect for MLK Day. The Sun moves into the rebellious sign of Aquarius and the ordinary is not enough. You want to go for the extraordinary.

Venus forms a semi square with Pluto and then later in the day with Saturn. It might make you feel as if you are in and out, good and bad. Regardless you will feel yourself challenged by your conflicting feelings. Do your best to stay calm and in an emotionally connected place with those you love. Those with anxiety will be challenged. Those with troubles will feel as if those problems are getting worse. Do your best to relax and do what is right in front of you. Otherwise overwhelm is going to be easy to experience.

Fortunately Venus trines the North Node and it makes you dedicated to finding how to create harmony.

It will take more effort than usual to move towards cooperative methods and find agreement. Express love and affection wherever you can. The world needs your love.

We are entering into a time of where innovation becomes more important than convention. Many things are outdated and need to be let go. Some have more challenges to find out how to do that. But clinging to the past is killing this planet. It is time to do it differently. Individual and universal freedoms are being activated to become the norm. Open-mindedness is of particular interest. Perceptions are rapid and learning can be quick if there is a willingness. You can get lost in thought and nostalgia.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Demanding particular actions
of others, to make you comfortable
is manipulative and dishonest.
~Suzanne Wagner~





I notice how fear of the unknown causes a desperation for the need to be right. I observe my own actions and words, when in my past, I would actually be afraid. Instead of admitting that fear in an honest authentic way, I would demand (in one way or another) for others to do something my way or I would want to override their choice in favor of mine.

First of all, it is unfair to the other because they often do not understand the intense reaction. If they cared about me, they would want me to feel better, so they do what I want.

But a wiser place to be is one that you notice the reactiveness of the mind and then you decide whether it is of any value what-so-ever to share.

I find that most of the time, sharing is unnecessary because it is just the rantings of a frightened child within me.

At such moments, I choose rein in my inner child with the calming compassion and love of my inner adult self.

I remind myself that I am just afraid and in this case there is really no reason to be afraid.

That calms the child in me down and I am able to allow others to do things their way.

99% of the time everything works fine and I have learned that my fears are most often displaced and inappropriate. But no one wants to look afraid, that is why we instinctually turn to anger and “being right”.

In our present world, there is much too much of this going on. It is time for some “growing up” to happen on a global scale. Many things in life are worth fighting for.

Many that are happening now in the world.

But pettiness is a waste of energy.

And demanding particular actions of others to make you comfortable is manipulated and dishonest.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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