December 12, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 12/12/2020 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 12, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 12/12/20

12/12/20 is the number = 10.

Add the 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 10.
The number 10 asks us once again, to stand up and step into our highest and best self. The Universe consistently gives doors and options for us to become more than our former self.
Power (the number 10) comes from a willingness to change and to take a risk. While some want a safe and secure life, know that everyone will have to eventually confront normal stresses and strains in life. The universe demands growth and change. One of my teachers told me his personal creed.  And that was, “I learned to lean into the edges of discomfort. I learned that if I gave myself permission to be comfortable for too long I got stagnant, lazy, and not fully present. But when I leaned into my edge constantly, I was more awake, aware, alert, and moving.”

So today, what can you do to lean into your edges of discomfort? Perhaps take up a new hobby. Learn a new skill. Take lessons to learn to play the flute.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today  

The intensity continues to mount as we move with a Scorpio Moon towards the eclipses on the 14th. There is a tension mounting that is palpable to most at this time.

Venus connects with the three planets in Capricorn (Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto) giving us all greater powers of observation. A good thing right now with so much going on.
This evening the Moon will shift into Sagittarius so expect tomorrow to give you a more philosophical perspective to what is happening in the world. Be careful as spontaneous choices are not the best option right now.
It is important to allow the optimism to inspire us forward. Just stay focused that details are really addressed. Otherwise we will find some essential things fall through the cracks.
Mercury and Neptune square off and know that what we want does not always show us as expected. Be clear. Be kind. Clearly communicate what you need and want. And then let it all go.

~Suzanne Wagner~



“When speaking of conspiracy theories,
it is vital to distinguish between lies and fictions. When you lie, your intention is to deceive.
But fictions are often spread in good faith. When you are dealing with fanatics who sincerely believe in a ludicrous story requires very different methods then those when you are dealing with cynics who deliberately deceive their followers.

~Yuval Noah Harrari~


I look out at the world and I reflect on what types of lifetimes I must have had that have allowed me to be in this place at this moment in time.
I look at my predilections in relationship to honestly, authenticity, and power and I recognize that I have walked this path many times and because of that … I recognize the consequences to not being truthful, not being, real, and using power in ways that do not serve the greater good. It is unfathomable to me how anyone can make choices that go against life itself, go against fairness, go against truth, go against serving the greater good.
I feel so deeply the suffering that is needless in a world of such riches and abundance.
I hurt for the beauty of this world that wealth and power abuse mindlessly when so many options are available now in this world that their intentional pain that they cause needlessly is outrageous and unfathomable.
And why would anyone do this? What kind of person can be so unconscious that they care not for the suffering, hurt, mayhem, and death that they cause?
In this time of information and access to real facts, those people cannot use the excuse of “I didn’t know!” Because the blatant disregard for truth in the face of such obvious of lies it beyond anything any rational person could believe.
I feel for those that believe such lies and those that consciously choose to perpetuate them (even when they know better) because that choice is beyond evil. And the karmic consequence is unimaginable.

I watch and know in my core that I have observed mankind do such horror and treachery again and again. I feel as if I am watching an endless loop where mankind seems unable to make the leap beyond selfishness and childish behavior.

I believe that humanity can make such a leap into a more objective reality that demands that those that lie (for the own end) have legal consequences. Without those being held to task for the suffering they cause, it will continue unabated.
I believe that we have this moment to change and to make that leap. I believe that it can be done. I believe that it will feel relieving and freeing to so many and that this is the only way to manifest peace on this earth.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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