December 14, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 12/15/15 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 14, 2015Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 12/15/15
December 15th is the number 8. Today is a day of self-reliance, practicality, truth and integrity. To have those qualities you have to be completely in alignment with your essence and your desire for peace. It takes courage and great strength to be willing to love all of humanity during such challenging times. It takes calm heads and hearts of patience to navigate the worlds chaos and humanities emotional concerns. But we cannot allow ourselves to collapse into the fear that is running so many at this time. Yes, there are things in the world that need to change. Yes, there are people who have been pushed down, hurt, and that are suffering terribly right now. But you cannot change the pattern from a place of blaming and leaping before you look or moving before you have all the facts necessary to make changes that work for the greater majority. We all need to listen to the hurt underneath the volatile reactive rhetoric. We need to move from a place that has solid ground underneath our feet and we need leaders who we can respect to improve the reputation of America…. not make it worse. The Moon is in Aquarius all day, and we have an emotional need for freedom, supported by the Moon’s sextile to Uranus and trine to Mars. We thrive on intellectual stimulation, change, and unusual or unconventional experiences. Our view is broad and our idealism and social awareness strengthen. This is a good time for taking the initiative. We are more resourceful and independent, and less personally demanding of people in our life. Just make sure that your idealism has a moral result.
~Suzanne Wagner~


What the world is saying to us human being is, “Don’t stick to the old ways, learn to think anew.” And that’s what musicians do every day.

~Daniel Barenboim~


Sing a song to the world healing today. Sing a song that inspires others through your actions, your smile, your heart, and your willingness to connect in authentic ways. I send out a song of peace for those suffering throughout the world. No, you are not alone though at this time it might seem so. It is those suffering that have chosen to take on the karma that is to awaken others and bring all of us together for a cause that finally serves all of humanity. It is no longer about countries, politics, money, or anything other than the fact that right now, we have the tools, money, and technologies to make the world a better place. But we have to turn those resources to the task at hand. It is about those with the money to recognize that they can make a difference and change the world in drastic ways that will allow an equalization to come to humanity. Not one of us can do it alone but we can each take our small corner of the world and work together because it is what is needed. Lets work together and create a legacy of beauty in the world that will bring peace, balance, and enough to others. Yes, we need to start at the beginning. Energy and water are essential for all life. Once that is handled then other things can come together. My husband has worked in the solar industry for 30 years and finally all the work he and others have done is creating a giant wave of change. Humanity is finally coming together recognizing that there is enough energy for all. Yes, it takes dedicated people to believe in such industries so that the reality of humanity can break through this level of poverty and learn to thrive and survive in a very new world but it can be done. It is being done and now during this holiday season let us all come together to make the world a better place in whatever way you feel pulled to help.
~Suzanne Wagner~

My Husband works for Azure Power in India, which is changing the whole perspective in India and the world right now. Here is an interview with his boss Mr. Inderpreet Wadhwa the founder and visionary of Azure Power.

Global Himalayan Expedition – Mr. Inderpreet Wadhwa – Azure Power

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