Numerology/Astrology for 1/2/17
1/2/17 is the number 4. Where do you feel balanced or imbalanced? There is always both inside. Finding that perfect state of homeostasis is sometimes more difficult than it sounds but just know that the body is always changing to adjust to what the soul’s next agenda and direction might require. That is why all the cells in your body are new in 7 or so years. These are the cycles of life and each of us learns to move with them rather than against them eventually. At first when you are younger you think that being powerful is about resisting the direction of the universe and instead claiming your own space, direction, and flow. But then as you age you recognize that life is easier and you are more in an organic flow with life if you move with the turnings and tides rather than against them. That to me is a much more powerful place to be. Because then it is not just about you but it is about aligning with the huge power that is life, Mother Nature, and the Divine Feminine. As we move more into 2017 find where you align with the divine and allow that impetus to move you more effortlessly forward. When you are aligned with the bigger truth then you can enjoy the journey and relax even in tumultuous times because you are being carried by something much bigger and more powerful than just you or your ego. Mars and Neptune come together in the sign of Pisces very early today. Your impulses and desires may feel very confusing, somewhat peculiar, definitely hard to explain, and potentially difficult to understand now. Not content with your regular routines, you tend to crave more drama, glamor, or meaning now. there is a part of you that wants to be noticed for your effort and contribution. You may or may not get that. So just notice the underlying intention of your words, actions, and deeds. Then acknowledge yourself for the effort and the heart you have put into so much over the last year and give yourself permission to open to new ways and means to shine your light on others. Concentration on practical concerns and affairs may be lacking. This is a continuation that many are feeling about being distracted and disorganized. This cycle will begin to shift about the 6th of January and then again on the 8th of January when Mercury comes out of retrograde. But for some of you it might be around the 27th of January before you feel once again fully engaged, productive, and in alignment with forward, constructive progression. It is important to act on your intuition now. You are in the time of winter where fantasies are strong. You want to strive towards all that is boundless and your creative impulses want to be potent and have tangible impact now. Fortunately with all this relaxing and connecting with family over the past 2 weeks you are less tense and driven. “What will be, will be” is the attitude now. This transit favors dancing, swimming, photography, arts, and entertainment. The Moon is in Aquarius all day, stimulating your humanitarian impulses as well as an enterprising spirit as the Moon connects harmoniously with Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“Politics should be sacred. Sacred doesn’t necessarily mean religious – it means stemming from the deepest part of ourselves..”
~Mahatma Gandhi~
I hope that you all had the best connections and celebrations for the new year and that your intent is clear about what you wish to bring into the world and how you want to impact those you love in tangible ways. Find that beauty in the simple things and allow that simplicity to expand in your mind so that you can allow the synthesis of the bigger plan of the divine to move through you with grace and love.
~Suzanne Wagner~