December 16, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 12/17/19 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 16, 2019Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 12/17/19

12/17/19 is the number 5. Getting real and getting into the physical world a bit more is the challenge today. While some of you can feel the fun in that because you are perhaps wanting to get all the Christmas decorations prepared and done. Others might need a bit of a push to get going. Things might feel heavy and like lead. You could be feeling exhausted by your past weeks and want a break. That is also good because this day is about taking care of your body and health. We have nothing if we do not have our health. Watch your energy levels. Take great care of yourself. Know that pushing a bit is fine but really forcing things is not recommended.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

While most of you are asleep in the middle of the night, the Moon transits from Leo into the detail-oriented, spreadsheet, meticulous sign of Virgo. This position of the Moon will connect into the energy of the Jupiter-Uranus sign and help you become more innovative and open. You will get a lot done in a pleasant and motivated way. You attend to the details and feel more in control of the holiday schedule because you are on top of the details.

Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are in alignment and you feel as if you can get to the bottom of a situation. There is a lot of action and activity.

With the Moon and Uranus trine, you are very aware of what is happening around you and you want to explore some new pathways.

With the Moon and Jupiter trine you feel more artistic and optimistic. A lovely quality for the holidays.

The Moon squares Mercury, gifting you with many spiritual gifts and you should consider things from a more serious position before making decisions. Truth counts in very large ways. While that can be difficult, know that you will need to act in some way. Make sure it is in alignment with the greater good.
~Suzanne Wagner~



If I sit next to a madman
as he drives a car into a group
of innocent bystanders,
I can’t, as a Christian,
simply wait for the
catastrophe, then comfort
the wounded and bury the dead.
I must try to wrestle the
steering wheel out of
the hands of the driver.
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer~




Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy
of the good then malice.
One may protest against evil;
it can be exposed and, if need be,
prevented by use of force.
Evil always carries with itself the
germ of its own subversion in that
it leaves behind in human beings
at least a sense of unease.
Neither protests nor the use of force
accomplish anything here; reasons
fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict
one’s prejudgment simply need not
be believed – in such moments the
stupid person even becomes critical –
and when facts are irrefutable they
are just pushed aside as inconsequential,
as incidental. In all this, the stupid
person, in contrast to the malicious one,
is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily
irritated, becomes dangerous by going
on the attack. For that reason, greater
caution is called for when dealing with
a stupid person then with a malicious one.
Never again will we try to persuade the
stupid person with reasons, for it is
senseless and dangerous.
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer~

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