December 18, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 12/19/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 18, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 12/19/2021

12/19/21 is the number = 18

Add the 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 18. 1 + 8 = 9.

The number 9 is about the magic and mystery of the spiritual journey. It represents all the Goddesses of fertility and abundance.
This number is the most feminine archetype. The Feminine is the creative life-force potential in this world. It is through the feminine that we are given life. And it is the feminine that also receives us in death. Sometimes, the process of life can seem overwhelming. It is hard to not get depressed with the frightening things that this world can manifest.
But in that sensitivity is a doorway into the creative self.

This number calls to that depth of feeling within that knows that there is more and wants to feel into what life has to offer.
Emotions arise and can cause distress. Trauma in this life is often a reflection of a block that caused emotional suffering from another time and place.

This number calls us back into those things that inspire us and support beauty and growth. But to do that we have to be willing to explore and plumb the depths of our own being first.

Magical powers do not come to the uninitiated. They arise from the willingness to explore those places, parts, and patterns that have been deeply buried until we were mature enough to become something greater than what we have experienced.
Today, remember that there is so much more to us than we know. And be willing to dive into that journey that only we can begin and only we can reach.
What is so deeply personal cannot be revealed until the soul is ready to embrace the potential that has been latent and buried within.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon shifts out of Gemini and into Cancer early in the morning. It brings with it a warmth and wonder back into those moments of celebration and some much needed good cheer.
Venus starts its retrograde cycle, and it will remain in a backwards flow through January 29th.
As it is in the more serious sign of Capricorn know that there are going to be moments that require us to resolve, address, and find value in things that are beyond our comfort zone.

Expect to make some major choices and decisions that will greatly impact your life on a deeply personal level. Assess situations, discover what is hidden, and embrace what is revealed. But walk into this new world with caution and wait until after the 29th to make any final decision.
Because, more is yet to be revealed.

Notice those patterns that have been unhealthy and those that turn us towards places that are not useful to that precious potential within.

Chiron also becomes still in the sky and it will go retrograde till the 15th of July. While this can make us feel more vulnerable, it also can confuse many things and force us to reveal certain emotional truths that matter. Expect to feel uncomfortable and know that what motivates us to act … is attempting to free us from patterns that have continued to cause suffering.
The Sun and Jupiter sextile and that gives hope and supports more generosity for the holidays.
I think this world needs more delight and enjoyment.

Confidence is something that needs to be backed by higher morals and principles. Those that have that integrated will be seen in a powerful light that brings distinction and a sense that many things are possible.

There is a bigger picture that is becoming clearer and that promises to take us into uncharted places and spaces.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Assess situations.
Discover what is hidden.
And embrace what is revealed.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I have fought for things beautiful and wild.
I have seen beyond this world since I was a child.
I hear the songs of the souls that have gone.
I hear the distortions of those that speak from a con.

I believe that life can be more than humanity shows.

I know that this requires us … to change and grow.

That is the problem that I continuously see.

To many refuse to shift and just want what they believe … to be.
But while that life appears safe in a box.

Living that way manifests the school of hard knocks.

I believe life is hard enough.
I don’t think we need to make it more tough.

I believe we are opening to new ways.
Rather than cower in fear and create delays.

Too often in life those that carry the most fear.
Are those that choose politics as a career.

Then from their fears they create the laws of the land.

They use those fears to block and demand.
But they end up making more of a mess.
Then pretend they are “godly” when they are obsessed.
There are things that require us to choose.

And those that choose wrongly will ultimately lose.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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