January 21, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 1/22/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 21, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Astrology/Numerology for 1/22/18

1/22/18 is the number 7. I wish that spiritual global awakenings could be less painful. But often it is only the harsh emotional truth that will allow some to wake up from deluded states of being. They don’t often recognize how much suffering they inflict upon the world through the aspects of their denial. They also do not recognize the karmic burden they will also bear from it. This is the number of spiritual awakening. It is that place where you recognize that your inner and outer worlds must be aligned. Without that balance there is no true stability. Evolution is always about homeostasis. Life (in this reality), must have a type of balance to work well and to flow. This number is about setting limits. Those limits are necessary to rein in those who are less aware and more unconscious. This is a number to seek a plan and to look at the long-sightedness of that plan. If a plan cannot go the distance it is not sustainable. One of the lessons that is paramount in the world and gets proven again and again is that you cannot restrict and push down the populous for long. Humanity will only take so much before the natural free spiritedness breaks out of all human restrictions that are being imposed upon it. This is the number of education. Where do you need to educate yourself? Where are you out of balance between knowledge and belief. Rigorous times are ahead. So what are you going to do about it?
The workweek begins under an Aries Moon. Get ambitious in pioneering new projects. Get outside, off that couch, and exercise. It will help alleviate that stress that is building up. The Moon ends its transit of Pisces and enters the sign of Aries at 1:28 AM EST. How can you be more assertive, active, and spontaneous? You feel instinctively that you desperately need a fresh start or to put plans into action. There is a drive to discover new things. The Moon harmonizes with the Sun and Venus today, gifting you with a momentary feeling of cooperation and camaraderie. Take advantage of it while you can. Let that enthusiastic side out. With the Moon square to Saturn this morning, you can feel spiritually and materially more grounded. But to some this aspect may feel a bit heavy. Learn to harness your energy and channel it into something that is productive and life-affirming.

~Suzanne Wagner~



You do not fear the future
if you have healed
and dealt with your past.
Where you contract and judge
are those places that are festering.
The wounds that you do not recognize
are the ones that are buried deep.
In this world it is socially acceptable
to pay attention to those wounds
on the surface, as they are obvious.
But the places that you hold away
from the light and love
are the ones that prevent you
from claiming joy
and allowing those who love you in.
The lack of awareness of your pain
becomes a shield preventing
the very thing you most want
to come into your life.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I have stepped into a glorious place in my consciousness at this point in time in my life. I have learned and lived, grown and uncovered, evolved and discovered the soul that gratefully resides in this body. And with that, I have found the places of peace and acceptance. From this place inside, the outside and the future is not anything to trigger me into fear. That is because my inner demons that I was willing to discover and communicate with were way scarier than anything in the external world at this time. When you do not know your darkest self, you fear all the reflections in the outer world that do not fit with your projected ego. When you know and accept all of who you have been in this life and this life choices, then you must go backwards in time and come to grips with the choices and decisions that you made in other past lives. Then when you learn to love and accept all those reflections ….. something shifts. You see the evolution of your soul. You understand that some of those difficult choices that causes so much suffering were necessary for you to become who you are and to awaken the true nature of your soul, which is compassion. When you allow life to live and breathe you through that doorway of the compassionate heart the old patterns of contraction melt away. And you are left with the observation, clarity and honest reflection of what is right in front of you. There is no longer a need for justification or even an explanation. You see the bigger whole that each person is on their own particular journey to awaken. That is the only real journey worth anything of value. You are either stepping fully into that place and choosing the path that allows for that awakening or you are actively avoiding that path that is clearly in front of you that is beaconing you to come back into your true self.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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