Astrology/Numerology for 1/28/18
1/28/18 is the number 4. Yesterday you undertook some more difficult tasks. Yea! Good for you. But now, you want to feel a bit lazy and stay in bed. And your haven is asking you to put your thoughts into action. Creating a sense of confusion. You want to be constructive, but you are also wanting to rest and regroup. My suggestion with the number 4 is to sleep in on Sunday and get going a bit later doing all the things that you need to do to prepare for the upcoming week. Take the time on Saturday to get a plan in your mind and then some of the tension will dissipate. The hard work that is necessary is going to be worth it in the end. Stay grounded and practical. Stay loyal and security-conscious and keep your values and morals high as you move into this new potential reality. When you are in harmony with yourself then you are in harmony with the world.
The Moon continues its transit of Gemini until 1:58 PM EST, after which the Moon goes into Cancer. The Cancer Moon is protective and self-protective. Try to pay more attention to your feelings today. Mercury forms a sextile to Chiron, providing an opportunity period for opening up healthy dialogues. You can interpret the intention or meaning behind the words that are trying to be communicated and you can effectively use words to heal and comfort others. You are approaching problems in a holistic manner, and problem-solving skills are high. This influence brings subtle but enhancing energy for communications. It’s a good time to speak of matters that are important. You are ready for adventure and ready to go new places. It feels a bit more outgoing place and Mercury is squaring Uranus and everyone is ready for something different. it is time to disconnect from parts of your old self and to find a different place to stand that is a bit detached from the negativity that is out there in the world. You want to fill yourself up, but you also have a lot of work to do. So, take those more eccentric moments and enjoy them but you also have to get back to work and get things done. It might feel like Sunday you have the Monday morning blues and you will wonder what is off with the world but just roll with it. You are being pulled out of the cold and dark hibernation of your sleepy self and being prepared to go head to head with the eclipse that is happening midweek. So, you are preparing for a different way and a different world.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Truth does not care if you believe in it.
Because truth is complete
with or without your faith in it.
Lies need your belief.
Egos create lies and they
cannot live without the energy
that you willingly give them.
Because lies are not truth
they need to feed off
something to sustain themselves.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Yesterday my friend Mary Ann and I embarked on the journey to make Brioche from the Julia Childs Mastering the Art of French Cooking Book. Oh, my. I have not laughed that much in years. I got these books for Christmas and enrolled her and another friend to do once a week cooking classes and amazing dinners from the book. It has been a fabulous journey into the movie, “Julie and Julia” Well worth it all. The Brioche is one of those things that is really challenging because it is an egg, butter bread. It says it takes 8 hours but we started ours at 5 pm on Friday and managed to get it cooked Saturday morning. Now I must admit that baking French Bread when it is cold does take more time for it to rise. So, we got it started and then had to wait 6 hours for the first rise. Needless to say it was a great excuse for movie night. We watched, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons”. First of all, Great Movie! Then after the movie at 1 am we are pounding the bread down for the second rise. We are punchy at that point and can’t stop giggling and snorting because we are laughing so hard as we try (unsuccessfully) to keep quiet and not wake up the house that is trying to sleep. It is a wonderful adventure. Now finally today we are doing a big French dinner making Coq au Vin and a flaming Rum Dessert from the book and we will use the Brioche in the dessert. Wish us luck, as I am writing the blog Saturday morning. Just one more rise in the pan and then refrigerate it and then it can finally get baked. Oh, my Goodness! What we do for adventure.
~Suzanne Wagner~