December 8, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 12/8/2020 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 8, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 12/8/20

12/8/20 is the number = 15 or the number 6.

Add the 1 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 and we get the number 15. 1 + 5 = 6.
The number 6 brings us once again into the places of contemplation, stillness, silence, and prayer. There are many thing that allow us to step beyond the bubble of our present reality. Learning that what we identify as “us” is not necessarily real, solid, or set is part of the awakening of consciousness that is essential to become what you have been holding as a silent potential within. Without stillness in your soul, you will endlessly run around in evasive busyness and not allow the pause to give you that precious moment to review, reflect, and choose something else.

I see a culture globally that is based on defensiveness and egoic posturing that is intended to deflect truth and justice. When we never stop the internal stress is cumulative on our health. And that is never good. Each of us needs to learn how to stop, listen, feel, and allow in new ways to see, perceive, and connect.

But first we have to step off the hamster wheel our mind keep placing us on. Drop in… See what is waiting patiently in the quiet. We are each a mystery that deserves the time and intention to explore and discover.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon finishes out organizing its way through Virgo until dinner time tonight and they it goes into Libra. While it is in Virgo it trines with Venus, Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn. We are coming to the end of two planets, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn and I am sure everyone will be happy to see them go. Meanwhile we have a week plus to learn some skills that will help you in the next reality we are going to step into. It is important to notice what we may need in the areas of health. Remember to help others, and realize that big change is on the horizon.
Our level of internal discipline seems stronger and better able to evaluate what is ahead.
Notice what needs a bit of a push in our work. Many obligations still demand our attention and just because we are at the holiday season does not mean that we can let normal commitments and promises go.
Relationships are going to demand our attention over the next few days. Perspectives are going to change. They have no choice. Let’s see what is out there and what they next steps to our evolution are.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Compassion that is one of the most powerful of human traits. Connection to that emotion is essential to saving everything of great value that has been so generously given to us.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Driving home from Spokane made me realize the icy fog that hangs out in eastern Washington state, around the Columbia River Gorge, and in eastern Oregon in the Dalles. Making slick conditions and making me realize that driving now was a much better idea than driving later in the winter. It is a beautiful drive though. America is such a picturesque country. Going past the majesty of the “Three Sisters” in Oregon in the clear crisp light is always a spectacular event. Noticing the hawks waiting patiently at the top of telephone poles or any place that they can get a height advantage always warms my heart. It does make me sad to see the barn owls that have been hit by cars as they in the night chased after rodents that intuitively know that running into the road gives them an advantage.

Seeing the migration of the elk and deer as they move into their lower winter ranges is a sight to see. We have so much beauty in our world that we need to protect and defend against the big corporations, ranchers, and others that want to destroy nature for profit.
If we cannot see the beauty right there in front of us, why would we want to protect it?

That is why we need to open our eyes and let those eyes open our hearts even more to the raw and real truth.

Reconnect to the that most human of traits, “compassion”. Without compassion we will have no desire to save everything of great value and beauty in this world. Besides we need to remember that these things have been so generously given to us by the divine.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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