Numerology/Astrology for 1/3/17
1/3/17 is the number 5. In numerology there is always two sides to the expression of a number. On the positive side the number 5 is about the physical world, healing, grounding, and change. And on the other side it is also about personal freedom and non-attachment. The non-attachment comes because the number 5 reminds each person that it is only by our experiences that we actually learn and can fully integrate lessons on all the vast levels that is humanity. This number reminds each of us that it is time to make life choices and that your decisions today impact on a bigger level than other days. Kindness needs to be actively sought out and finding ways to be more resourceful and personally motivated are the task at hand. Venus enters Pisces early today; where it will transit until February 3rd. Right now the world needs the goddess of love in Pisces. Let your love expand and become all embracing for the safety and compassion that this world so desperately needs at this time. Within you is the capacity to be able to forgive and understand. Not doing that is a choice. Recognize where you have been seducible by energies that did not appear as the way they truly were. And somehow find a way to show compassion to those who have gotten caught in their own mental traps and have made choices that deeply hurt or harm others or the planet. Use the phrase, “They know not what they do.” And recognize that you have probably been them in another lifetime so their actions trigger you deeply. Just because you learned lessons around compassion and seeing beyond the veil that someone wishes to show you does not mean that others are in your same place of awareness and understanding. You cannot give them your wisdom. They must make their own choices and mistakes. And like a benevolent deity you have to learn to allow those lessons to move through to their conclusions and consequences. Because that is the only way we learn down here in this density and dualistic reality. Fortunately Venus in Pisces is tender and affectionate. So find that tender place inside and allow it to grown. I know that for some of you that is a very scary proposition and one that you may not be willing to do but shutting down at such times makes you blind to what is coming and so as painful as it is to stay open, choose to be open. As difficult as it is to have an open and loving heart, have an open and loving heart. Allow forgiveness to be the order of the day and this year. There is going to be a lot that needs to be forgiven and embraced regardless of how it unfolds. Notice that inside you have a longing for something that is hard to define and hard to satisfy. Borders and boundaries blur under Venus in Pisces. Be careful and very awake as the shadow side of this astrology may allow yourself to be victimized or deluded, neither of which are acceptable and respectful of who you are. Try to be open and creative and have an intuitive approach to money, personal possessions, the pursuit of pleasure, and art. The Moon continues to transit Pisces all day. Retrograde Mercury forms a sextile with Venus today, and this stimulates a desire to cooperate, compliment, encourage, and express your affections. You might also tend to analyze your relationships, particularly past ones. Just know that you cannot really know the intent of another’s heart by their actions or inactions.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
Shocking how humanity will pick again and again, darkness over light. I understand that darkness has a lure for mankind. I understand those with power and money reflect to us what we want and so we align with that energy in an attempt to pretend we are in that arena with them. But I have learned that power and money do not reflect consciousness. I have said for years to people, “Anyone can learn a magical skill but not everyone can use it with integrity.” It is amazing to me that such a simple statement confounds seeming intelligent people again and again. Humanity is drawn to celebrity and pretense. I know that as humans we can see beyond the surface into the depth that beats a person’s heart and powers their soul. But over and over, there is a vast majority that choose to not see below the most shallow of levels of reality. This is the reason humanity and the world continues to suffer. This is what causes the undoing of civilizations.
~Suzanne Wagner~