Numerology/Astrology for 1/5/17
1/5/17 is the number 7. You may still be questioning what is real and what is not real. That is good. Only sociopaths don’t question what they think or do as right or wrong. So when you feel confused celebrate that you are completely normal and that learning about being open like a “hollow bamboo” is the way to enlightenment. You cannot teach someone who thinks they know everything. You cannot open a closed mind. You want to live in a life of wonder and childlike innocence to the magic that is all around each of us. That is what makes life worth living. The moment you stop learning is the moment you begin to die. Today, question everything and remember it is impossible to completely know all the things that this world contains. This is why we come back again and again, to explore other nuances and subtleties that attract us and draw us in. Let your life be a dance of wonder and delight. Pursue things that give you joy and allow that to be the structure of your new world. Early today, Venus is semi-square Pluto, and there can be underlying tensions in social interactions (looking for an ulterior motive or an agenda, suspiciousness) and relationships (possible jealousies). There is a tendency to question others’ motives. Manipulation can color relationships now. Avoid power plays with friends and lovers. This afternoon, a First Quarter Moon occurs when the Sun in Capricorn forms a square with the Moon in Aries. There is a crisis of some sort expressing in your life and you may feel compelled to take action in a new way. Today, make yourself aware of how your actions affect those closest to you. Whatever project or initiative you began around the New Moon is now off the ground, and it may face its first obstacles. The Moon is in Aries all day, in challenging aspect to the Sun and Pluto, and in alignment with Uranus. There can be tensions and conflicts if you feel boxed in or limited by others or circumstances. Do your best not to lash out in retaliatory ways to others who seem bent on putting you down or making you agree with them.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“She is a beauty behind those scars, she is a gorgeous chaos underneath all that mess, she is everything that you can’t see, because her beauty lies deep within. Simply, look into her eyes and see her soul.”
Musings of a Poetic Soul
Illustrations: Glen Preece
Beautiful is a feeling not an object.
Beautiful is an energy that expresses life and joy.
Beauty is product of an open heart.
Beauty is what you see when something is fully alive and being authentic.
Beauty is more powerful when it is unafraid.
Beauty is more expressive when it is genuine.
Things are beautiful when they are not forced and are naturally in alignment with their environment.
People become beautiful when they are seeing the beauty in other things and stand in awe at the wonder of this world.
~Suzanne Wagner~