Numerology/Astrology for 1/7/18
1/7/18 is the number 10. Power is not loud. It is an enduring presence that continues to move regardless of the surrounding environment. Today being a number 10 is calling you to a new place of personal power and wakefulness. But that power is a place of calm certainty. It does not matter if others see or acknowledge it. It simply is. Within each person is that place of acceptance and authenticity that when tapped into and touched becomes a point of connection and a place of grounding for your power in this world. When you know and trust your core self to just be, then externals do not seem to mean as much. Because power is not to be gaged against other people’s beliefs or projections. Power and congruence are deeply interconnected. When you are in alignment with your essential self, power is the natural result. But not from a flashy place of self-importance but from a place of knowing and deep certainty. Today do what will give you a doorway to that place of knowing clarity. Trust that the universe knows that it is doing. You have to reveal the dysfunction in a harshly bright light to be able to lance to the boil of your own ignorance. It is not pretty. It is often hard to look at the places that disgust you internally. But under that density is the real power you keep seeking externally. The outer will never fulfil the internal quest for truth. In fact, the external is often the distraction from the truth you so desperately seek.
You are in a time for re-exploring ideas, arriving at a conclusion, and creating new plan. You are choosing to not fall back on old habits of thinking and communicating, and this is successful step in the right direction. Mars aligned with Jupiter, supporting a deeper need to reach beyond your usual energetic limits. This is a time when you possess a wealth of enthusiastic energy and you feel ready to take chances. Be aware that this moment can be marked by overdoing things. So, take them one at a time. Be aware if you want to fall into over-confidence. Your opinions don’t matter as much as you think they do. Do not take on more than you can actually do. With Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio, relationships, finances, or increased intimacy can be a focus for our enterprising spirit. I know you are feeling compelled to take action, but be careful because you are a little too hasty at the moment. Helping out over the next few days are the Sun, Venus, and Pluto, and channeling your energy in a more productive way. This helps some of the struggles of life to become a little easier. This is a powerful period for relationships. It can be a time for transforming existing relationships or forming new connections. The Moon is in Virgo all day, harmonizing with all of these bodies and helping pull everything together.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I want to know
if you know
how to melt into
that fierce heat
of living/
falling toward
the center of your
~David Whyte~
Do you know what passionate core beats your heart?
Do you know what energy sparks your core to begin?
Where there is love is that creative self,
which longs to become more than its known self.
Within you is an untapped source of self.
A place of limitless potential, that is
seeking a place to come out into the real world.
Never stop seeking that place where life’s
exploration is where the journey begins and ends.
You cannot become what you cannot dream.
You cannot dream when the mind’s negativity
becomes a seemingly impenetrable barrier
to the soul’s yearning for its divinity.
~Suzanne Wagner~