Numerology/Astrology for 1/8/17
1/8/17 is the number 10. The number 10 is the reminder the discipline must proceed dominion. When you fail to realize your power potential and consequently harbor deep-seated feelings of frustration it will cause you to feel unfulfilled. You are on the quest for wholeness. Will you stand for the values you hold most dear or will you allow the world to make you collapse into victimhood? It is up to you and your inner strength to find what is beautiful and magnificent in this world and in humanity. You have the power so use it. Since December 19th, Mercury has been retrograde, and today, the planet of communication switches gears as it moves direct. This means that in the coming days and weeks, problems with communications and decision-making you may have encountered during Mercury’s retrograde cycle will clear up. You will be able to apply your observations and new perspective to your life going forward. You might be flooded with energies that are hard to make sense of today, however, and thus important decision-making should be avoided for the time being as your thinking can be skewed and illogical. It’s a better day to take in rather than take action. Venus and Uranus form a semi-square aspect this morning, and this can awaken your needs for independence and excitement, perhaps erratically as they clash with your desire for closeness and comfort. With the Moon void until 5:08 PM EST and not forming any major aspects to the major planets, it’s even more important to avoid brand new beginnings and commitments. The Moon continues its transit of Taurus until 5:08 PM, after which it spends time in Gemini.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“I left the past of me to die with the old year; the pieces I’ve been clenching, the pain that no longer deserves to be fed. All of it….it is gone. My eyes are colored with the future. With the me, reinvented into the now, and this year is the home of me, empty from any ghosts or baggage; this year: nothing will haunt the freedom of the happiness I owe myself.
~Stephanie Bennett-Henry~
Poetry Language
Discover that joy is always possible when you look beyond the confines of you mind and ego and into the wonder and magic that makes this world such a dance of life and love. You can either contribute to the compassionate nature of life or contribute to the suffering. It is your choice in each and every moment. Choose wisely.
~Suzanne Wagner~