Numerology/Astrology for 1/9/20
1/9/20 is the number 5. If you add the 1 +9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 14 so 1+3 = 5.
What is real? What is this moment about? What group is attempting to slant you into the trough of lies? Intelligence separates you from a herd mentality. To do that you have to see past the obvious deception and be smarter than those who have the intention to gain power by promoting the biases of a group mind that they have intentionally created. Always do what is for the greater good on this world (earth = the number 5). Always do what is right. Never harm others. Tell the truth even if others do not believe you. And if you supposed truth does not “cut the mustard” be willing to admit that you are wrong and change.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon ends its transit in Gemini while you are sleeping. As it enters Cancer it brings a desire for more warmth and caring. You want to protect those things that have great meaning to you. It brings the tone into a more conservative influence. The Moon Opposes Jupiter in the evening, so be careful to not overdo things. You want to spread your wings and fly and you are anxious to find people of character and moral fortitude. While you know that this world depends on everyone seeing past their own wants and needs and into the bigger picture of what needs to happen for the world. The individual is no longer important. What happens next must be for the greater good of this world. Anything else is a distraction of ego attempting to sabotage what is good and necessary at this time.
Be careful and do not overextend your resources. You may be tempted to get your way. You can negotiate and not give up a critical piece of yourself.
As the eclipse comes in tomorrow the emotions heighten. Be kind at all costs.
The Moon sextile Uranus and it asks you to pay attention and recognize that your determination will pay off eventually.
This evening the Moon opposes Jupiter and the can create trouble especially if you move towards extravagance. Conflicts around love can happen. Disadvantages stress you out related to intimate connections.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I think everything in life is art.
What you do. How you dress.
The way you love someone,
and how you talk.
Your smile and your personality.
What you believe in, and all your dreams.
The way you drink your tea.
How you decorate your home. Or party.
Your grocery list. The food you make.
How you’re writing looks. And the way
you feel. Life is art.
~Helena Bonham Carter~
I remember the horrific stories from those that I knew while I was in Berlin (from 1978-1982). And the stories about their experiences after WWII. Stories about the terrible actions by the military from Russian, France and England. On some level these stories are understandable because it was the second world war that Europe has weathered because of the blind faith that Germany had for a mentally unstable and very dangerous leader.
I remember how all the women from that time (that I met) tell me that they had been raped at some point (mostly by the Russian troops). I am sure there were exceptions but none that I had met.
The Russians had suffered greatly from an onslaught into their country and such suffering brought out the revenge instinct in the troops and they wanted to take that anger out on someone or something. And they took it out on the women. It is unfortunately human nature.
But the level of hatred that this war brought out was not yet healed decades later when I was there.
The Americans were considered the lesser of the evils but France, England, American and Russian occupied Germany until the late 1900’s.
The death of men in Germany was so vast that almost no men were left to rebuild the country because they had all died in the war. What was left were old men and young men. Both terribly traumatized.
So it was up to the women to rebuild, broken brick by broken brick. It is the women that end up cleaning up the messes that the egos of men manifest in the world. Power games when allowed to go out of control destroy cultures, countries, financial institutions, and hope.
War is never worth the cost.
And the damage to those fighting the war haunts them till the end of their days. Why do we let egomaniacs and mentally ill people have the control and power? Why does some of humanity follow such people blindly? It is clearly a psychological battle of massive karmic proportions that is happening within them.
We stand at the brink of another terrible moment in history.
There is one easier choice that can begin to turn this ship around and one blind allowance that carries us into a horror that you never want anyone to experience.
It will be interesting to see what transpires.
Regardless there are many in our government that will never be able to wash the blood off their hands.
We are no longer the lesser of three evils.
Regardless the reputation of America will never be the same.
~Suzanne Wagner~