Numerology/Astrology for 2/25/2022
2/25/2022 is the number 15.
2 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 15. 1 + 5 = 6
The Number 6 asks us to look at our sincerity and honesty going forward. This is the number where the purity of the heart should be considered before actions are taken.
Clearly, at this time in history, there are those that do not consider the hearts of those they intend to inflict suffering upon.
It is in such moments that we attempt to understand and look towards the spiritual answers because the human condition tends to usurp the higher dimensions in favor of the lower realms of attachment that cause suffering and pain.
The Number 6 attempts to understand the dynamics of relationships. This number recognizes the difficulties in understanding the actions of others and yet it continuously strives to see those things hidden and it therefore must recognize the unstable restless nature of man.
May all those find peace in this world.
May all broken hearts mend through change and understanding.
Without peace too many things move in the direction of chaos.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon moves from the adventurous sign of Sagittarius into the dense and determined sign of Capricorn. A Capricorn Moon demands more security and for us to take responsibility in action-oriented ways.
This is a very serious Moon and many things in this external world have turned very dark and dangerous.
Those with terrible ambitions feel that they can press their point. There are moments when we must learn to work together, and we realize that we cannot do things alone any longer.
Mars (the God of War) and Vesta (the Guardian of Home and Hearth) are at odds. One wants and breed’s conflict. The other wants safety and well-being.
While these two celestial objects seem to be in alignment in the sky, when we look on the outside, looking at the external world, I would beg to differ.
~Suzanne Wagner~