February 5, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 2/6/17 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 5, 2017Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 2/6/17

2/6/17 is the number 9. Resolution comes from clarity. Presently situations are being put out there that are intended to create more confusion rather than less. What some people are beginning to have clarity on is that we are in a moment in history unlike any you have ever lived in. Perhaps you have clarity about what it is like to be inside certain types of people’s minds. Perhaps that is the only way to understand the degree of distortion it takes to manifest certain beliefs.


Regardless, the number 9 is asking for you to listen to your intuition and the deeper knowing inside your core. Words from others may exacerbate the confusion rather than alleviate it. That is why you have to first know who you are on the inside. From your core’s center, you choose actions that allow for resolution and the opening of hearts. Things that allow for the shutting down of independent knowing and awareness is not what this country is about. You can use this number to create a spiritual awakening. You can recognize that service to humanity is spiritually more complete than serving your own ego or the desires of controlling people. The number 9 is about learning to say, “No!” No to bigotry, no to laws that harm others, no to intolerance, no to selfishness, and no to creating laws that separate, alienate, and put others in compromised positions.


Today, you are looking for leadership but what is important to know is that the leadership now has to come from within you first. Your actions right now with this number 9 are an indicator of your actions and the karmic residue from past lives. Your choices not either lift you out of the karmic traps of your soul or bring you back into the old traps that have allowed you to stay caught. Again, the choice is always yours.


You are now beginning to feel the impending lunar eclipse coming in on February 10th. It is in the Leo/Aquarius cycle and this one comes in also with a Grand cross pattern in Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. Eclipses herald endings and beginnings. Lunar eclipses make you look back and reflect on your life, your choices, your actions or inactions. The Leo energy asks you to open your heart, be creative and to step into a leadership position. Aquarius wants to bring forth higher ideals that serve the masses with win-win perspectives. Needless to say, having a bit more of all that would be awesome but that energy is going to first have to come from within yourself. The negative side of the Leo/Aquarius eclipse can bring a type of royal arrogance with the expectation of compliance. Be careful to not detach from your heart and smile like there is nothing wrong. Pretending that everything is going to be fine is not the correct way to go. Expect emotions to come to the surface as eclipses stir the proverbial pot and the hidden dysfunction within yourself and others is going to become more and more obvious. The impact of the Grand Cardinal Cross is intended to use actions to pull you apart to put you back together again. The realignment of your social circles and friendships are doing a major overhaul and one that will probably never go back to where it used to be. Instead of people being the go-to anchors in your life, you are now recognizing that you are renovating the principals of your life and the core upon which you will live your life as you move forward. It is a big change and one that will take two years to fully complete and integrate.


Jupiter’s yearly retrograde begins today and will continue until June 9th. During this cycle, you cannot help but notice the areas of excess or extremism in your life. You are going to have to slow down certain endeavors. Some enthusiasm may wane in this retrograde, as certain realities of time and energy set in. The Gemini Moon continues to spark your desire to talk, reach out, and exchange ideas. Its harmonious aspects to Uranus and Jupiter encourage sociability and inclusion, but its opposition to Saturn this evening reminds us of the constraints of our reality at the present time.

~Suzanne Wagner~



“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle.”
~Christian D. Larson~


We can each practice humanity in our own small way. But it becomes challenging to deal with those that hold beliefs tightly that clearly and actively hurt others. Even if they themselves do not act out those negative behaviors but they follow and endorse either passively or actively the harmful beliefs, words, or actions of another, that is not being a consciously humane person. I don’t know why that seems so difficult for others to understand. There are those out there that just don’t want to see what is right in front of them and they want everyone to just placidly accept absolutely horrible actions of others and just give them a pass. You cannot give any wiggle room to racism. You cannot give leeway to bigotry. Because once is has a foothold in your consciousness you begin a long battle. Racism is a virus that infects and then hides for long periods of time until you are in a weakened moment and then it explodes out like it is right now in our world. Infections distort the reality and the suffering seems to become the new norm. You cannot allow that type of distortion to destroy this beautiful world that has such potential. You have to stand up to the liars and those whose primary goal is to destroy what has been a unique dream that the world has looked up to. Right now, the world sees us as a bad joke. The special position that we have served has been broken and potentially will never recover to the level of impact and possibility that we had before. If you really believed in the American dream, then it is up to each one of us individually to stand up to the bullies in our Government and do something.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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