March 21, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/22/16 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 21, 2016Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 3/22/16

3/22/16 is the number 7 and as much as this number is about planning and putting together structures with the Moon is in Virgo (and is void all day) you may be filled with ideas about what you’d like to accomplish but your plans not going to come together easily. Jupiter and Saturn are moving towards a square aspect, exact early tomorrow. This longer-term aspect will occur again in May, 2016. This forces things to be done by the book. It makes you have to abide by the rules or laws and to experience a somewhat hard reality check. It is good to think in big terms, as you have the urge to expand but continuously during the day you will have to confront obstacles that make you step out of the illusion and face reality. Some re-structuring of your life and of your business goals is now in order. There are no easy fixes or shortcuts now. All of us are going to have to put in the hours to get things done. There is no smooth sailing but a lot of work in front of us. It is best to breath new life into old plans rather than to strike out with a new plan altogether. Take steps to grow, but don’t overextend yourself at this time or you are bound to face frustrations.
~Suzanne Wagner~




One tree can start a forest;

One smile can begin a friendship;

One hand can lift a soul;

One word can frame the goal;

One candle can wipe out darkness

One laugh can conquer gloom;

One hope can raise your spirits;

One touch can show you care;

One life can make a difference;

Be that one today!

~Wild Woman Sisterhood~



It is lovely to be back in Utah in the Spring and prepping for the Symposium. It really does take a tribe to make things like this happen and there are so many women who have thrown their ideas, skills, and wisdom into this big bucket that I hope you get the chance to see what happens and the magic that moves so many women to reach out and support each other in growth. I am slowly on the mend with my shoulder. I am hoping that by the symposium, I don’t need to wear my brace. I still can’t lift anything but I am grateful for the small baby steps of healing. I am sending out so much love and support to our country as we grapple with the big issues confronting our morals, ethics, freedoms, and consciousness. I am a big believer is moving forwards not backwards. But I am a realist in seeing that we need to do a better job in our country to make all feel accepted, appreciated for their uniqueness, and to feel safe. We are a country that the world looks to for the future possibility. We cannot fall back into the prejudices of the past. We must once again be strong enough in the values that our forefathers put out for the freedoms that all humanity deserves.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Art: Cosmic Eagle by Lauren Spruit

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