Numerology/Astrology for 3/26/18
3/26/18 is the number 4. This number represents Uranus. And in talking with many people it is clear to me as it was the last time Uranus changed signs in 2011, that we are in the midst of another revelatory transition of awareness, thanks to Uranus. Uranus is preparing to go into Taurus on May 15th but the signs from the universe are attempting to prepare us right now for a great shift again. The number 4 attempts to bring practicality, organization an exactitude into this tumultaneous time. The number is also the Emperor Card in Tarot which represents a King who is willing to protect and defend those under his care. He is a type of King Arthur archetype. A just and noble ruler that is willing to stand for what is right and has the strength to back up his thoughts with actions. Within each of us is such a ruler. You cannot expect others to do the job that you must do for yourself. This world is our home. Our “home” needs each of us to step up in some way that makes a difference in the world. This world can never find peace where there is such disparity and imbalance. It is this young generation that now knows that it is their task to correct the mistakes of humanity as we move forward into a world that we can all live in peacefully.
The Moon continues its transit of Cancer until 7:45 AM EDT when it enters Leo. The early work week is more vibrant and friendly under a Leo Moon. The Moon in Leo stimulates a more playful attitude with the desire to express yourself in creative ways. This is a time when you want to be seen and seek more attention. You want to stand out and seen as unique and different. It’s a good time for romance, with the Moon’s trine to the Sun in Aries. Let the enthusiasm take over and have pride in your accomplishments now. Your expression seems more natural and genuine and as a result you feel received and hear. It is time to show confidence and backbone. These are the moments that shape you for the rest of your life and the moments that you will remember and tell stories about when you are older.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Excuses are lies
wrapped up in
~Howard Wright~
When I was a child, I was taking ballet lessons and one of the teachers said to me, “No, Excuses! I don’t want to hear why you can’t. I want you to discover that you can.”
That lesson was profound for me and it impacts me to this day.
In dealing with clients it is amazing how much people will get into the story of something as a way to explain in a long and drawn out fashion, all the reasons that they cannot change. Because that is really the bottom line….change.
Change is scary and none of us are really 100% of the time enthusiastic about it. But change is the natural process of life. You cannot really stop it. And it is those souls that do not take an explanation as a certainty that are the way-showers of the future. You cannot just accept the present situations in your life as the only way there is. We are here to make something out of this moment in time. We are here to help others and serve each other with love and acceptance.
There is no, “That’s impossible!”
Everything is possible. Many things take great amounts of time and perhaps technologies that have not yet been created but it is those dreams of our forefathers that help inspire us to find those answers and doorways into uncharted territories.
Accept that there are big changes that you need to do at this time and then choose to willingly go in those directions. You can either willingly walk through the doorway or be dragged by the universe. I personally prefer preparation before I leap into the unknown. It is less scary that way and I am calmer. But there are those that love a thrill ride and if you are one of those then you can get dragged off the cliff, yelling and screaming. It is always your choice.
~Suzanne Wagner~