Numerology/Astrology for 3/31/2022
3/31/2022 is the number 13.
3 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 13. Add the 1 + 3 = 4.
The number 4 represents the four elements, the four directions, and those things help guide us through our life.
This is a number was about fairness, justice, and diplomacy. Today, come from a place within that is all about supporting win/win types of situations and those things that support all of life rather than a few.
The number 4 is about honor, boundaries, and exactness.
When boundaries are clear then there is less conflict or war.
When honor is respected then there is more peace and tranquility.
When there are those that do what they say and follow through, it supports consistency in life and those people and things that we can count on.
When we honor ourselves, we can honor others and listen to their perspective in a non-reactive way.
We can hold boundaries … not in a way that negates the journey of others but that respects the massive differences in each person and that supports that the journey of one is not necessarily the journey for us.
And when we follow through, we support others in learning how to be dependable and respectful of the time and effort that many things require.
Today, take a firm stand for oneself and who we wish to become over time.
Know that we cannot walk in another’s shoes. That is why … as we move through this life, we will meet many souls and walk many paths but we will all learn … very different things.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon is in Pisces, and it is busy supporting our deepening emotions and our intuitive connection to our guides and angels.
But it shifts early in the morning into the assertive sign of Aries which allows our approach to be more directed towards our goals.
It is a great day to stay on task and to feel more motivated to move things in our work forward.
This Moon and Mercury will connect in Aries and that is perfect for some of those dreams to come into this reality more powerfully.
The New Moon is tomorrow, and we will be feeling it today. What is it that we would like to put out into the world to support a better future for all? Write some things down and allow for a small ceremony to set the energy going forward.
I like to light a candle and place my goals and dreams on a paper and then bury it in the garden. I love that paper that has seeds inside the paper. That allows me to see those ideas sprout into beautiful flowers.
After all, we are in the spring and that is a season for life to begin again.
~Suzanne Wagner~