Numerology/Astrology for 4/11/17
4/11/17 is the number 7. Do you know what your life map is? The easy way to find it is to look backwards and notice what seems to be the driving theme in your life. For some that is family, children, cooking, healing, self-awareness, etc. Often people are looking for their mission and purpose when they are actually doing it all the time. They just don’t notice it as they think it is supposed to be something grandiose and important. But the small things are important. My mothers’ structure, organization, and ability to keep a house moving with meals at regularly scheduled hours, clean clothes, organized closets, and her ability to get everyone to the proper place at the proper time was a huge gift. It allowed everyone to feel safe and loved. Yet, she often questioned whether her life had meaning. I tell her it had meaning to me. It made a big difference in my world. It allowed me to grow up in a safe environment and to have structure. The number 7 is about that structure. Those routines that allow things to move smoothly. That has value and so the energy that you put into those structures do make a difference for you and those you love. Often, we think that wildness has the most value but to me each pattern has its gifts and challenges. Today, seek the structures that will allow your life to move fluidly. Recognize that being on time is a structure that minimizes stress. Recognize that having an organized life and routine takes pressure off of the places that need stability. Spontaneity is great also. But today, find those patterns that allow you to relax.
As we are going into retrograde land it might be good to just get an overview so you can plan your strategies and not feel as if you are stuck because things are just not going to go at the rate and tempo that you might want. Knowing when to push and when to go with the flow is important for the next few months. Let’s start with the fact that we are still in this Venus retrograde till the 15th. Old emotional things can come up again for review. Old flames might also jump in so protect your heart and know that many are feeling unloved and unappreciated…not just you. Saturn went retrograde on the 6th of April and so you need to proceed with caution and know that things are going at about half speed till about August 25. Therefore, save the big leaps and risks until after that. Mercury went retrograde on the 9th of April and so recognize that the chance of “saying the wrong thing” is high. Watch out for those verbal slip ups and be kind if someone else does them. And finally, Pluto goes retrograde on April 20th. This does not necessarily affect your daily routine but it may make you pensive and moody. If you have been asleep at the wheel, this planet going backwards gives you a chance to wake up and recognize that you do need to be behind the wheel of your moving vehicle. The Full Moon, discussed yesterday, is still impacting you and it is in the sign of Libra. It can have the effect of blowing up feelings into big proportions and increasing your sensitivity in general. While you can become aware of things that were previously hidden or unprocessed. You are taking a fresh look at relationships, what you want going forward and where you might be feeling blocked. In fact, this is likely only a delay. The Moon continues its transit of fair-minded Libra until 6:42 PM EDT, after which the Moon transits Scorpio. The Scorpio Moon encourages you to look beyond the surface of matters or to peel back the layers. This influence is set to contrast with the desire of Mercury and Mars in Taurus to keep things simple tomorrow and the next day. Mars and Jupiter are approaching a creative aspect, exact early tomorrow, that stimulates your motivation to produce, act, grow, and improve. You are anxious to make your own luck. Fortunately, you will feel very resourceful and can find much to look forward to under this influence.
~Suzanne Wagner~
You are the center of your own chaos.
You are the storm upon which
you are challenging yourself to survive.
You are the dragon whose power
confronts you to stand up and awaken.
You are the peace that calls to you
from the silence.
~Suzanne Wagner~
There is a place where liars go.
It is a place where there is only the unknown.
A place they sit unable to make things up.
A place where they cannot cover things up.
It is a place where they get to feel
how their lies made others reel.
There is no place or time in such a hell.
They get nowhere and can only dwell.
Dwell in the emotional suffering that they have caused.
Experience the misery they inflicted when they broke human laws.
Make no mistake there is a particular type of hell.
And the more they lied, the more it swelled.
~Suzanne Wagner~