April 18, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 4/19/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 18, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 4/19/21                       

4/19/21 is the number = 19

Add the 4 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 19. 1 + 9 = 10

The Number 10 reminds us that so much is up to us, our choices, and our actions. There is a feeling that the more people get vaccinated, the more life can return to normal. We want to get out of our houses. We want to take a trip and enjoy the experience of other flavors, cultures, and sights. There is a feeling today that there is the beginning of a reset. We need to be able to come out and back into the light of our life.

I hope one of the resets is that humanity becomes kinder and more compassionate. I wish for us to see the power in our potential to deeply connect to others and make connections and see how we make a difference in the lives of others.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


Do your best not to take on too much this week. If you can slow down the choices that make you overextend, you might feel this week as if you can rest and catch up.

Mercury and the Sun go into Taurus today. All things move into a more comforting and grounded reality. Take some time, go slower than you have been going. Make common sense, your friend. Be deliberate in all your choices. Go for what you know works.

When you take the time to do one thing completely, your sense of accomplishment is satisfying. And you can do it soothingly and sensually.

It is spring, and the Sun is hanging longer in the sky. It is warming our hearts and souls. All indications are that the harshness of winter is ending. Taurus is a time for weddings, celebrations, love, and connecting more deeply with our world. It is a perfect time to be outside before the bugs come into full force.

We are in a time of deliberation, patience, and sincerity. Loyalty is favored as well as the familiar.

Mars and Saturn clash in a minor way, reminding us that all things cannot be easy, and there will still be many obstacles ahead that we can expect to be discouraging. There are still many lessons to learn that life intends to teach us.

The Moon is in Cancer all day, magnifying the sensitivity that we are all experiencing.

~Suzanne Wagner~


It is us that needs to change.

It is our values that must rearrange.

We are the solution to the problems we create.

We must act, instead of confuse and conflate.

I know that we have the tools right now.

To return our world into a reflection of the Tao.

It is not that hard, but it takes us all.

It is not about weapons or creating a wall.

It is about doing what we know is right.

If you are against such a change, you are a luddite.

I have no time for petty arguments that go nowhere.

When this world is concerned about water and air.

You are not bad if you are too blind to see.

But you are the problem if you will not let nature be.

~Suzanne Wagner~


It is Earth Day Week. What can each of us do to help this planet? I think it is important to remember that doing something for just this time, while helpful, is not enough. It is about committing to a completely different way and lifestyle. What companies do you support? Do they care about the environment? Are they doing something with your money to make a cleaner and better world? Without those who check to see what the “big boys of business” are doing, we could be accidentally supporting the continued destruction of our world. I am grateful that we have the Health Food Store, “Mariposa” in Willits, that checks to see that the companies are Non-GMO and that these companies do intend to make a difference in the world in the way they create and produce the products. Supporting local farmers’ markets and the farmers in your area are also important. I love that we can get blueberries year-round, but I love when I can buy them from the local growers. We are in berry land over here.

With the drought continuing, sustainable farming practices and the use of water conservation is also essential. I am redoing my drip systems to maximize my plants’ needs but using as little water as possible.

The critters in my garden ate all my sugar snap peas starts, and my onion starts. I have everything covered now. I am doing my best to give what is left a helpful start.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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