Numerology/Astrology for 4/3/2022
4/3/2022 is the number 13.
4 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 13. Add the 1 + 3 = 4.
Today is the number 4 day. It is a day where being dependable and stable supports the growth and transformations of others.
It is a day where being responsible and conscientious is greatly appreciated.
It is the structures of our life that help us uphold the principles and values that define us and help us to remember just exactly what we stand for.
It asks us to believe in what has value and to call out those things that tear down the values within a society. Stability and order require great determination from a large group of people.
But first we must learn to master the chaos within our own soul.
When we believe we are separate we do things that have a destructive edge to them.
When we honor and respect the life in which we find ourselves, then we know that we belong, and we recognize that the best strategy for a stable society is one where we are not seeking worldly power but the wisdom and stability to do what is right in difficult circumstances.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
With the Moon in the comfort loving sign of Taurus, it is a good day to make things beautiful and to do those things that nurture ourselves and others.
The energy of Taurus wants to build things in a slow and steady way.
Rushing is not advised.
Stay in a calm state so that we can all find a new way to organize and structure our daily reality so that things move more smoothly.
Uranus and this Taurus Moon will connect to help the changes being required to move with greater ease, acceptance, and flow.
Just know that changes are still being required of all of us and now is not the time to put more resistance into the process.
Ceres is connecting positively with the Sun and Mercury giving us much more engaging conversations and allowing our interactions to be more beneficial for all.
Be kind. Care for others in the ways that one can. And be fully present when listening to others.
We cannot help in effective ways if we are not clearly listening to the needs that are presenting at this time.
~Suzanne Wagner~