Numerology/Astrology for 4/6/2022
4/6/2022 is the number 16.
4 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 16. Add the 1 + 6 = 7.
The number 7 makes me look at the boundaries that are a part of life and the restrictions … that limit life.
While we need to have certain rules that define appropriate, safe, and healthy engagement, we are in a world where some feel as if they have permission to do very inappropriate things that cause others harm and suffering.
Life has enough restrictions without making things harder than it can already be. There are large corporations, countries, and people that intend to make their life easy at the expense of others.
Today, many may feel that they have had enough of that.
I believe that companies are discovering that the abuse of workers for the sake of their pocketbooks and the almighty dollar is finally a strategy that is being seen in a very harsh light of truth.
The workers are finally deciding that fighting back and unions are necessary because without organizing and resisting the powerful and wealthy, most workers will never get a fair share of the profit. We cannot trust or believe those who wield power for their own end without any consideration of those that work for them.
We have (especially in America) been living a form of indentured slavery. And the wealthy and powerful have been using the goodness and kindness of the hard working middle and lower classes to take advantage and profit greatly from our efforts.
That is why now there are new boundaries and requirements that are being demanded by the people in work related areas. And that is a very good thing.
I hope while this trend continues that we also ask for paid vacations (that Europe has had for 50 years) and better retirement and social security systems.
Look at the boundaries that we either implement or allow others to override.
Ask if they are functional and necessary or working to create situations that continue and extend situations that allow for attachments that pull you into despair and unhappiness.
After all, sometimes there are no options but to just let go.
That choice will free up the negative attachments and allow for the soul to move forward rather than cling to an illusion from our past that never was supposed to be anyway.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
Our minds want answers but the answers arising are difficult to comprehend and absorb.
The Moon in Gemini helps us more clearly see both sides of a situation but that can cause more confusion at times rather than clarity.
When we live in a world of black and white thinking it can make things appear to be simple. But life is never simple and there are many shades of gray that require us to see past this very dysfunctional duality world and way of thinking.
While we are learning and responding in new ways, it can also feel awkward to absorb so many viewpoints and keep them all organized and get them to make sense. Learn to respond to situations in a conscious way and let all that primal reacting go.
It is time we become more civilized and diverse in our responses to external situations. There is always more going on than we can completely understand.
Venus and Uranus will quintile and it makes us see things from a unique perspective. That opens possibilities and that is a very good thing.
Saturn and Mars will move in alignment and that will give us more energy and focus. We will get some big things done and our ability to not quit is very strong. The end goal is in sight, and we need to go for it.
Two asteroids, Vesta and Chiron are going to give us an better ability to push back with organized thinking patterns that can overcome certain situations at this time.
~Suzanne Wagner~