Numerology/Astrology for 4/7/18
4/7/18 is the number 4. The number 4 (Neutral Mind) is something that has a great deal of power and impact. In Buddhism it represents the four streams in Paradise that equate to love, impartiality, compassion, and affection. In this system the number 4 is the earth which holds the four elements within its mysterious grasp, earth, air, fire, water. Today, take a look at what you can do to support this earth and all that live upon it. Earth asks us to be practical, organized, patience, and to build solid foundations so that all can thrive. Survival requires balance and discipline to navigate the constantly changing patterns of energy at this time. Having your feet firmly planted on the ground is a good start. Having the ability to think practically is also a big help. This number is a stabilizer and asks you to undertake those things that are difficult and unpleasant to further the health and well-being of others. It is not about what you can get from this earth but what you now can give back to her that is going to change the course of where this world heads next.
The seriousness of the Capricorn Moon is not missed on the fact that we are also in the last 6 weeks of Uranus in Aries. When Uranus shifted positions so dramatically in 2011, it was at this point that the “writing on the wall” became clearer as to how Uranus was going to behave. That was the moment of the Islamic Revolution and the upset in Tunisia that ignited the Middle East and continues to unravel the old to bring in the new. While figuring out how Uranus is going to behave as it goes into Taurus is anyone’s guess and it is difficult to predict an unpredictable planet. As Uranus goes through its death throes in Aries the positive side of it is the rise of the power of the individual. The Parkland Students are the most recent example of that. As Uranus comes into Taurus and this sign rules all things in the financial world, I imagine the shifts in the worlds money systems will have a major impact on everyone. So, begin to prepare now by protecting your financial systems as much as possible and pay off that debt now so you have some wiggle room later. Take this moment to reflect on the growth of your individuality because of Uranus in Aries and notice how you have shifted for good or for bad. Have you allowed the more negative qualities of Aries to be dominant? Such as stubbornness, rebellion just for the sake of rebellion without any logic, plan, or real strategy? Do you feel that you choose being right over truth? Just look to see how you have utilized this energy. Perhaps the awareness can give you greater insight and growth as we move into Uranus in Taurus. Use Saturday’s Moon in Capricorn to get things done and to move things into better positions so you can be more graceful as Venus makes a harmonious trine to Saturn. Look at the long-term goals and aim that direction because the day to day stuff can be in a great deal of flux. This is that moment to put in the time to get to the places at work that they will notice and you will be acknowledged for. Take the time to sort out what you are feeling and what you really want. Now is the time for level-headedness and cautious planning. The way to create stable relationships right now is through consistency, practicality, and showing above all extreme loyalty to those you love and care for. Remember, we love those that stick with us through times of difficulty. None of us can do it alone. We are all going to need each other for support and clarification and this astrology continues to confuse and convolute. Right now, it is as if the world has Parkinson’s Disease and there is an instability and shakiness that is requiring a lot of focus and effort for small things to be accomplished. This is a lesson in not getting distracted by the fear and upheaval that is happening globally. Just remind yourself that you are living a powerful moment in history and that all transitions of this size and impact have challenges that everyone will have to weather.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Dance silently puts in words to the music.
Dance expands the emotions of a song.
Dance moves beyond the limits of time and space.
Dance takes you on a ride and shows you the infinite.
~Suzanne Wagner~