Numerology/Astrology for 4/9/2022
4/9/2022 is the number 19.
4 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 19. Add the 1 + 9 = 10.
The number 10 can give endless energy to those projects that we are trying to accomplish. It is the number of power, influence, determination, and drive. It is the number that allows us to see our radiance and how we can shift the energy of others with our presence.
Often in life we get tested 10 times in order to recognize and fully learn something. The number 10 is one of those numbers that shows up in many places. After all we have 10 digits on our hands and feet.
The number 10 is related to eternity and the infinite potential that lies within each of us if we are willing to stand in our power and step forward.
Today, we will be able to get more done than expected. There are many negative aspects that are manifesting in our world that need us to become more directly engaged. No more waiting and watching. We are going to have to demand changes for them to happen.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
We are at the first quarter of the Moon and this one is in Cancer. This allows us to notice those things that seem in crisis around us. Many choices lie ahead and our actions are going to require us to move more and more into a place where we support the values that we have been trying to uphold ourselves.
There are many complicated obstacles ahead, but we are motivated and determined to follow through. The Moon supports us in being focused on our family and children and it gives us better insight as to what is going on with others as it heightens our intuitive knowing.
The Moon will shift exactly before midnight into Leo so, know that tomorrow there will be a more lighthearted day and one where our disposition will seem to improve.
Mars and Juno continue to compel us to share and connect in valuable ways with others. They will help us learn to share and we are going to break away from some of those places that are pulling our attention away from what is important.
Pluto and Mercury will begin their square and while it is fully engaged tomorrow, we are going to notice the mental stress and strain building up. There is a lot of tension out there in the world and we cannot help but notice it and have to navigate things that are challenging.
~Suzanne Wagner~