April 8, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 4/9/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 8, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


How many times have we stood up for what we believed?
And how often were there those moments that were never achieved?
It matters not if things went south and that we have cried.

It only matters that we reached out, stretched and tried.

I have learned that for all the effort and strain.

We must constantly reach more in order to gain.

Many moments are there for us to learn to find.

It is through failure that we become more kind.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Thank goodness for the computer guy that came to my mom’s house to help us finish up connecting with the printer. I managed to get the printer up and working and seeing the internet, but I could not figure out on her computer how to register it with HP so that they would allow it to work, and we needed to upload the software to my mom’s computer.

The guy was great with my mom, and he was very kind and considerate. He also can fix anything, and he believes that he can fix my mom’s massage chair.

That would be so great! I bought it for her and my dad over 20 years ago and it just pooped out. The manufacture was going to require me to ship the whole thing back to them in New York. It is heavy and awkward and there was no way I was going to do that. So, this could be the answer.
Yesterday I was so grateful for nice and kind people that wanted to help.

I also got through to one credit card company and got me into their system so I can be online to monitor my mom’s account.

Today I have work that has to be handled so I have some time to help my mom … but it is limited.
The weather continues to look like spring in Spokane and the trees are beginning to bud.

We all have to allow the flower inside.

To burst forth with great color and pride.

We are also here to reflect the passage of time.

We are here to awaken from our sleepy sublime.

As the ground warms and the trees explode.

Let your life become a new episode.

As life unfolds from its winter sleep.

Let your heart believe and leap.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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