May 12, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 5/13/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 12, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 5/13/18

5/13/18 is the number 2. Clarity often comes from the comparison to the duality of life. You often need to try something new in order to respect and honor the ways of the past. Until you do things yourself and your way, you do not completely get why your ancestors did things the way they did. There is a new found understanding that allows for another possibility to become evident. It is good that you tried. Now it is time to do what works.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today  

Happy Mother’s Day. The highly communicative quality of Mercury aligns with energetic and ultra-friendly Uranus this morning. It is a good time to take Mom to brunch and to laugh and reminisce. While all that is going on the quick-thinking Mercury moves into hard-working Taurus for three weeks. You can finally put constructive effort into those new ideas, and there is no telling what might manifest from the effort. Mercury aligns with Uranus in the last degree of Aries, just before Mercury enters Taurus. Beginnings and endings in astrology are always a big deal. Uranus is getting set to change signs in a few days and will enter Taurus. This is a psychically important time that is both stimulating and grounding. In this exciting and excitable time, know that your decisions can be dramatic and impulsive, and your communications could come out in raw and rushed ways. The ideas that can come  through, could be shocking and in some way a breakthrough. You can be struck by the depth of the truth that emerges today.

Mercury then enters Taurus where it will transit until the 29th, bringing your thinking out of the stressful ethers and back down to earth, in a more solid and practical way. Common sense become more in fashion over more fanciful thinking. You communicate more deliberately under this influence, and your mind becomes oriented to the world of the real. Finally the tried and true is needed rather than the egocentricity of new ideas or ways of thinking. Your attention wants to simplify your life, but you need to watch out for narrow, overly conservative, or rigid thinking and communicating.

The Moon enters Taurus in the early afternoon, and emotionally speaking, this will tend to calm things down. So enjoy the moment.
~Suzanne Wagner~




A mother’s love for her child
is like nothing else in the world.
It knows no law, no pity,
it dares all things
and crushes down
remorselessly all that stands in its path.
~Agatha Christie~




It is so beautiful here in Southern Oregon. We are at a place called Lucas Lodge, in Agness, Oregon. It is like an old Pioneer Ranch and Fishing Lodge at the confluence of the Rogue and Illinois Rivers. It is like stepping back in time and seeing the high water marks from the old 1964 flood that came through. A beautiful place to have a wedding as my niece and her too-be husband have Fly-Fishing and Rafting company called Humble Heron Fly Fishing and Fine Art. Their life is this river and it is totally fitting that they also marry on this beautiful land.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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