Numerology/Astrology for 5/14/18
5/14/18 is the number 3. Healing happened yesterday and today there is a lifting of the burdens that you had carried. Such moments change you permanently and open you to a higher truth of the love and caring that is always there even when you do not see it.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon spends the day in steady Taurus and is Balsamic, with the New Moon set to occur in Taurus tomorrow morning. This suggests that it is better to wind things down and calmly wait for the new impulse that will set things in motion. Reflect, then renew.
Early today, Mercury forms a semi-square with Neptune. So just know that you may not be seeing everything as clearly as you believe. Be more careful around technical facts today. Mistakes can happen. The Sun is minorly challenging Saturn and this suggests that you might be wrestling with something in your reality. You can turn this into a positive through attention to detail and lots of hard work. Just know that your mood is not the best and you are perhaps lacking gratitude for all your effort.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Marriage is about choosing
in the most difficult moments
to remember what you loved
about the other the most.
Marriage is about
knowing the faults
of your mate might take them
a lifetime to unravel.
But you believe in their capacity
to do just that.
Marriage is when you choose each other
because you know that with them,
you become a better person
with more depth and compassion.
Marriage is about trusting someone
to take you to places
that you cannot take yourself.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I just love weddings. After all, it is the coming together of family and friends for celebration that makes magic happen and is the glue that keeps us living. Without love and caring for each other, this world could not exist and none of us could be here playing in such a beautiful place and time.
~Suzanne Wagner~