May 22, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 5/22/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 22, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 5/22/21                       

5/22/21 is the number = 14

Add the 5 + 2 + 2+ 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 14. Or 1 + 4 = 5.

The Number 5 reminds us that we might as well put on our running shoes today because while we may start this day in a crouch, it will tend in a full-tilt run.

There is so much shifting around, and it is designed to exhaust and push others to their breaking point.
Don’t let you be one of them.
Tensions can make us want to snap, but don’t let others break us down in ways that impact our health. Never allow those whose sanity is in question to determine our truth and destiny.

It becomes clear that there are so many out there yelling, “Wolf!” They try to incite fear in others, but it is not working any longer. The game is now crystal clear and we are just not going to fall for it any longer.

The darkest place for the number 5 is fear. The number 5 is life force energy but when that is suppressed it becomes fear of life, fear of living life fully, and fear of making mistakes.

Intentionally causing fear in others and causing responses to make some feel in control or have power over others … will always backfire.

It is beginning to backfire now.

The way to stop such bad behavior is to stop listening to those that do it and stop reacting.

In ancient times being “shunned” and pushed away from the protection of the “tribe” was very dangerous.

It was this type of terrifying prospect that stopped such horrific behavior from continuing to infect the tribe.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


The Moon has been in Libra, and the desire for fairness and justice is growing loudly and relentlessly. Without justice and accountability, there can never be peace. People have had enough.
Humanity is exhausted by the relentless destructive tendencies of a few.
And now, things will change.
Politeness does not work in the face of evil or controlling people who intend to get away with as much as they can. Harmony can only come from demanding accountability for those causing suffering.

Mercury squares Neptune, and feelings are spewing out the mouths of those feeling unheard. If anyone thinks that they can get away with such behavior, they are sorely mistaken.  Saying the wrong thing can get the response of a verbal explosion.

Facts, facts, and more facts will keep coming out as we get to June because next month will be where the reality can come crashing down.

Expect chaos and upset from some and relief and vindication from others.

It will not be easy, but it will be necessary.

Uncertainty makes some demand verbal commitments that are completely unreasonable and the expression of vagaries that may not be true.

Now is not the time to live in fantasy as this moment packs a punch and will impact things needed to prevent those who intend to subvert democracy through deceptive means.
Be prepared because situations will arise that will push us to the limit.

~Suzanne Wagner~



I will not tolerate anything more

from those who ignore.

I will not allow

from those who disavow.

I have had enough

of those who lie and bluff.

Let them all be warned

I have had enough from the scorned.

I have no need

to make any of them bleed.

I know they feel so alone.

But expressing hate and will not atone.

There is not enough time in life

to exist filled with despair and strife.

I wish to leave this earth

knowing that I tried to give worth.

I pray for those whose mind

never learned how to be kind.

Many have a long way to go,

and for them the path may be rickety and slow.

~Suzanne Wagner~





Listen to Suzanne’s Blog about the words we choose and how they are used can be a reflection of a type of mental loop and illness or a constructive expression of preference.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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