May 7, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 5/7/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 7, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 5/7/21                       

5/7/21 is the number = 17

Add the 5 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 17. 1 + 7 = 8.

The Number 8 reminds us that to let things go from our past we may need to feel through them completely to gain the wisdom that has accumulated there.
We are trying to surrender to the hidden realizations that are right there once we are willing to engage in a truthful reflection of what was.
Only then can we become what we came here to be. All pure emotions are doorways to higher consciousness if we embrace the journey that they require to deepen our understanding of self and this world in which we live.
Dead zones in our emotional matrix show a lack of awareness and less maturity in that particular area.
All life experiences the complex feelings of this dimension. It is part of the journey. It is life’s greatest gift if we are finally willing to embrace our totality.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


As we sleep the Moon is in the dreamy and mysterious sign of Pisces. But when we awake it will move into the dynamic sign of Aries. I guess we all need another swift kick in the butt.
It is time to be assertive and certain, determined and driven. With the energy gumption and drive of Aries pushing us into new and uncharted territories it will also square its ruling planet Mars. We will all have what we need to move forward if we so choose to take the appropriate actions.
Today, all new paths seem interesting and very supportive of releasing any unresolved feelings from the past.

Many plans and possibilities will arise in waves of transition. Allow this new flow to inspire creative greatness to emerge

The Aries Moon and Mercury are enjoying connecting and it will help us find the right words to say at the right time.

~Suzanne Wagner~



So much fear and lack of trust.
Too many words confuse and disgust.
I get so amazed at those who should know.
Fall into fear and not be able to let go.
Conspiracy here, hidden agenda’s there.
Just another way to hide their despair.
The fear they hold is so strong inside,
That their denial makes them unqualified.
That is how deceivers get hold
That is how lies continue to be told.

~Suzanne Wagner~





The angels told me when I was a child that fear was the enemy, and that fear was the basis of all human dysfunction.
I remember those days when I believed I had no fear.
But upon reflection I can see how that single denial, shaped my thoughts, actions, and deeds for decades.
Fear created such insidious beliefs and I allowed them to shape my prejudices, beliefs, and choices.
Oh the great stories I made up in my mind that took on a life of their own. They were perfect to justify my actions and made me feel impervious, righteous, certain, and secure.

But that was all a show to hide the deep-seated fears that existed within me that I denied.
That is what I see right now with everyone who feels there is a “boogie-man” behind every action, law, and intention. Even ones that could save lives. It is such an immature way to live but understandable in revealing the internal denial’s that each of us have held in different moments in time. It is such things that plague us right now in this world.

But Nature has “upped the ante.” The choices now are deadly, life, and death decisions that can and will change the course of history and our world.
What people don’t understand is that this disease that is running rampant is not just a problem now. The long-term impact of this disease will shape our world even for the survivors for years to come.
The long-term impact of those infected is just now starting to be seen.
My sister is a doctor on the front lines and what they are now seeing a year later should make everyone cringe and run to get their vaccinations.
My ex is a Holistic MD retired and he has researched this in the detail that only a person with a 160 IQ can understand.
The statistics are staggering and should make everyone do whatever we can to get on top of this nationally and globally. Otherwise, life will never be the same.
Perhaps that is the point.
Life it not supposed to go back to the insane old patterns of behavior.
What I know is that the way this astrology is going we are headed towards a massive shift of power and influence on multiple levels.
What that will look like and entail is going to be up to each of us, our ability to see through our own fears, discover that the “boogie-man” is inside not outside and change.
Now is time to  heal our deepest core self by admitting where we have been snared by rhetoric, and finally give ourselves permission to move past the intended control and distortion of a few in favor of creating a world of more honesty and clarity. We need to create a world that is survivable for everyone and that gives hope and freedom.
We can make the turn. We will need to do it together.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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