Numerology/Astrology for 6/25/18
6/25/18 is the number 6. The number 6 reminds you that there is a very clear line between right and wrong. It becomes difficult when your mind wants to believe something that is false and wants to justify being right. Such a position causes harm to others and that clearly is where the line shifts from right to wrong. Just because man made laws does not mean those laws are good and kind. I lived in Germany and saw many older people who continued to justify their actions with the phrase, “But it was the law. We were just following the law.” The number 6 represents truth, order, and justice for humanity. When you hold the number 6 energy clearly inside you become a person who has more concern for others than your position. You care more for humanity than you do about being right. When you have not fully evolved as the human potential that is within all of us you seek external validation and align with the “herd” mentality. When you evolve beyond selfishness you know that only internal congruence is necessary for the expression of deep caring, unconditional love, and the ability to make choices that are correct for the evolution of your soul.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Scorpio, another Grand Trine with Chiron in Aries, the Moon in Sagittarius, and the North Node and Venus in Leo. This is a day to explore and let go of the past. Fill up your life with more positive energy. It is a great time for love and to know that you are here to feel the love coming at you. Take it in. The Moon starts out in Scorpio until 30 minutes past midnight, EDT, after which it moves into Sagittarius. You want to seek meaning for your life with the Moon in Sagittarius. You may feel a bit more happy, spontaneous, and curious towards your life. Though you might be exhausted by the constant chaos and change, you might feel a bit of emotional renewal.
A Venus-Jupiter square today can have the effect of exaggerating or expanding your affections. The tendency is to overdo, over-react, over-state, and in general take things too far. Choose to keep this in check. Know that all ideas have to move towards loving kindness for all and acceptance for the differences. Just know that if your choices actively cause harm to this planet, others, and life itself you are standing on the wrong side of history. Because this pattern is not very disciplined know that others will not be responding from a rational place but a reactive one.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Someone that devalues the poor and the weak
will devalue you when it serves them.
You discover someone’s deepest character
when truth challenges belief.
Mistakes are always forgivable.
But you have to admit them first.
I don’t worry about losing people.
Be concerned for the evolution
of consciousness for humanity,
doing good in the world,
and the transcending of your karma.
All else is just the ego
masking what really matters.
~Suzanne Wagner~
May peace prevail against denial.
May truth sort out the distortion pile.
May light find the way through this storm.
May fear be illuminated so it is reborn.
May humanity be able to see beyond mind
May hearts find those connections that bind.
May compassion rule and remove self-doubt.
May love have always the greatest clout.
~Suzanne Wagner~