July 20, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 7/20/2020 – Pus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 20, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 7/20/20

7/20/20 is the number 4.
If you add the 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 13.
1 + 3 = 4.

The Number 4 is about being the bridge. Staying calm in the face of insanity. To not let the chaos of the world upset your inner peace. Easy to say but very hard to do. Within your human self is a soul that is ancient, wise, and experienced. Just because you feel as if you are up against something unfamiliar in this moment in time does not mean that within your soul is not a past life part or ancestral part that is not familiar with something similar. You have somewhere within, a reference point that is a starting point for knowing how to move forward in such terrible times. It is in the calm places that this wisdom has a chance to filter from the subconscious into your conscious mind. Seek deep within you. Your shallow human self knows not the power and wisdom held in your soul. You are more than you know. You are infinite and eternal, precious and divine. And so is everyone else, even if they have forgotten and gotten lost in the emotionality of this moment, their ego, and this karmic journey.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon is in Cancer until around 4 pm (east coast time) and then it enters Leo. Actions will be required and inspired. The energy for a fresh start is there if you are willing. It is time for decisions. Urgency is pushing things forward. The old home that we believed we build and deserved has burned down in the storms of hate. Our foundations have been being rocked but those laws and rules have validity and can hold the line of freedom. My home is one for freedom for all. My home is one that cares for others and knows the importance of feeling safe within our own communities. What does it take to feel as if you belong in this world? It takes you knowing that you have something to offer this world and deciding to find a way to give that.

We are at the New Moon which is in the morning and at the very last degree of Cancer. Firsts and Lasts magnify the energy and so this New Moon packs a punch. As it was coming in I was personally exhausted. I took at 5 hour nap in the middle of the day. Something I never do. It is a time to intuitively weigh your options. A higher vibration is attempting to connect with you. You can feel that you are balancing the feminine and masculine inside and outside. Everything is new. Something is being born. What that will become is  up to us and the level of commitment that we are willing to put into what it right and honorable in the world.

This New Moon is opposed by the demanding and responsible planet, Saturn. Some may want to curl up in the fetal position to escape this horrible reality that we are witnessing. Another part wants to nurture and be nurtured. And finally there is another part that is seriously looking at the responsibilities in front of you in the immediate future.

Finding the proper balance is going to be difficult. During this New Moon, think before you speak.

Talkative Mercury is making a challenge to assertive Mars and the wounded/healer/teacher asteroid, Chiron is in impatient Aries. Expect a tremendous amount of verbal abuse in politics with terrible and angry words. I expect more protests to pick up again for some reason.

The saving grace is the compassionate Neptune is making a harmonious trine aspect to the New Moon. This will give you a depth to go within and tap into your empathic and intuitive side.

In case you did not notice, you are giving yourself a reality check. While doubt, hate, pessimism, sadness, guilt, and fear are a part of your normal life right now, know that all effort is noticed and appreciated. Just because you are trying does not mean that you will feel as if you are succeeding. Know that you will encounter blocks and obstacles. Progress is actually happening rapidly in this world were we have to stay and work from home.

Realize that focusing on what you are feeling is not productive nor helpful. Notice how you are moving your energy. Notice that you do have limits. And that is okay. You are human. You have been under stress for a very long time. Knowing your limits helps you work in more constructive ways.

This new world demands that all of us develop real solutions to the lethargy of changing into solutions that make work more constructive and cooperative.

Be humble. Call out your very mature side. Take things slowly. You will find a pathway that is going to show you another way to live and work.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Actions are now
required to be inspired.
You are here to make
a difference in the world.
You’re staying and working
from home does just that.
You’re staying home gives
the animals more freedom
to just be.
You’re staying home helps
the air and pollution.
You are making a difference
in small but substantial ways.
And they build up over time.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I do love how Mother Nature has turned us around and shifted us in so many radical ways. She did it with a powerful subtlety that simply forces us to not drive so much, to not fall into our addictive patterns because we can’t. She shows us that to work from home we save time driving in traffic.
Corporations are forced to rethink and relook at the terrible work environments that were unhealthy because of the noise and irritation. It makes companies look at their bottom line and what really makes a company work. Egos don’t make companies run smoothy. Egos don’t pay the bills. It is the people that do the work and if you get out of their way and let them do it without all the egos trying to micromanage, it is amazing how much gets done with less stress and less upset. Some are rediscovering the joy of working with the dog in their lap or next to them as they work on the computer. And the dogs and cats are much happier. Home cooked meals are again the norm. Families are eating together, chatting about their day…. Sharing and connecting in more meaningful ways. You can take the breaks when you need them. You can take a nap after lunch because you are not rushing and suddenly you have time for a 20 minute power nap. And American and global workers are getting the jobs done. They are keeping the economy moving and alive. I am proud of all those Americans continuing to do what they can and sewing together a new tapestry to our new and evolving country. Thank you America!

~Suzanne Wagner~

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