August 14, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 8/14/2020 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 14, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology

looking in the mirrorquotesw

Numerology/Astrology for 8/14/20

8/14/20 is the number 8.
If you add the 8 + 1 + + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 17.
1 + 7 = 8.
I believe that some of humanity needs to grieve before they change. We live in a world where lies are out of control and there are those that would prefer a constant meal of worms rather than think for themselves.
We stand on the edge of a knife. We will see which way this reality decides to walk or fall towards. But I believe in the good people of the world. I believe that the Universe understands balance and counter-balance. I believe that the Universe shows us again and again that creation is a destructive process.
I am not afraid of destruction. I am clear that there is no real death. I am clear that the consciousness (that is life) continues through time and space.
I cannot be totally destroyed and neither can you.
I grieve not for that which I cannot have, manifest or create.
I only grieve when I do not try to expand the integrity of who I am in this reality.
I only grieve when I let the illusion stop my voice from speaking.
I only grieve when I buy into the lies as truth.
I only grieve when I deny my soul’s mission and purpose in this dimension.
What I do know is that while I may have let the illusions and fear sabotage me in the past. It will not happen again. Especially not to this reality or to these despots.
And I know many strong people that feel the same.
All failures in the past have led us to this moment.
Now, I have the clarity needed to see past those things that took me off track before.
Now, I cannot be persuaded to abandon my soul’s spirit for false promises and demented leaders.
Now, I know how to stand strong and wait for the right moment.
That moment is coming. That moment will be momentous. That moment will change this reality forever.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon moves out of Gemini and into Cancer, (the impeccability sign that wants integrity) in the evening. You will feel more protective and determined.
Which is good because the road ahead is incredibly difficult.
It is a road that is not a road but a trail with markers leading up cliffs and into fog. The rocks will be wet and slippery and the terrain unforgiving and treacherous. The danger of getting lost feels ever-present and very real.
Much will be at stake in the coming months. No matter what keep going forward. Do not look back. Backwards there is nothing but death. Only forwards into a progressive and inclusive world will there be hope and the energy and connections we will all need to survive this next pattern.
Because of Mercury forming a quincunx to Jupiter and moving towards one also with Neptune, expect decisions to feel unsatisfying. In truth, you might be afraid to make a decision. Conclusions seem sketchy at best. It is hard to trust. It is harder to estimate the risks and outcomes.
What you cannot do is jump to conclusions.
What you cannot do is underestimate the levels of corruption and dysfunction in play.
What you need to do is notice the news that is intended to break your will down so that your spirit cannot fly free.
What you will need is a plan. One that gives alternatives to terrible situations.
Balance between logic and intuition is going to be necessary. Working as a unit also is going to be essential.
You are not alone and you are not one heart. We are all that heart that beats and wants to dream of a world that we believed was possible.
We want sanity back. The mental disorganization has been used as a strategy by the enemy to quell resistance.
No matter what, refuse to swallow what they are offering. It is a poisonous soup that will not satisfy and leave you more hungry than before.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Grieve not for the loss of your innocence.
Grieve not for the upset that disturbed your sleep.
Grieve not for the harshness of life
as it tears away at the fabric of your delusions.
Denial is a powerful adversary.
Delusion a drug of choice.
And distortion a completely human anomaly.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I bow my head in gratitude for my own simplicity and humbleness in just following the power of my heart and spirit. That is my message for all eternity and all lifetimes to humanity.
I am just a beacon of hope for people to follow their own heart and spirit.
I am the guide and the whisperer to your potential that is lurking in the shadows of your awareness.
I am the reminder and the push that breathes life back into the numbing reality that most of humanity lives in.
I am that voice that says, “Don’t survive…thrive!”

Even before I totally understood who I was and the path that my life would take I have always had a type of fierceness and command over the elements of this physical world.

That was just one of the many things that has always confounded my family.

I have had many past lives where I have lived and died, loved and lost, fallen into darkness and despair to understand the density in which this world manifests.
I have fallen asleep for eons but I have always been here, in the body, in the wind, in the whispers of your deepest self with the intentions to support the conscious awakening of all.

Life. What is the meaning of life? That is the question I see even now in cartoons. The guru is on the top of the mountain and the seeker struggles to get to the top only to ask the question, “Teacher, What is the meaning of life?”

The answer is simple. It is about perseverance, courage, magic, transformation, and enlightenment.

We are in a time and place for the feminine power to awaken to its potential right now.

It has been decided (by all of you) that the next moment of expansion is now. You are a tool of transformation that this world seeks. Are you ready to find that inner and outer balance? Are you ready to accept both sides of who you are?
You cannot be the light without the dark.
You cannot be fully present without your past. But you have to let both go in an instant to find who you are to become. Ego’s surety must be sacrificed in order to discover that next level of being.

It is time for the stories from the great feminine wisdom keepers to be revealed.
Those stories have been hidden and forgotten.
But they existed and they were real.
There were women that where powerful beyond anything you presently see in the world.
Those women were magical, sexual, loving, and for a long time their stories had to be kept from the darkness that wanted to envelope the world.
Their stories were hidden in the wind, in the elements of nature, and in the very air you breathe right now.

There were moments in time when the face of the feminine held a power so great that the forces that did not want balance, chose to obliterate them off the face of existence.
But feminine history was never recorded in books or written in stone. Those things do not stand the test of time. The feminine power has always been written in the elements of nature, in movement, in dance, in song, in feelings, in things that are eternal, and in the sacred geometry that speaks to those souls who have the understanding to perceive this delicate level of knowledge. Those unique feminine powers where protected by the nature spirits of the ancient world. And those elementals have never forgotten that great trust and they continue to protect and serve the force of life itself on this planet.
Those “Ancient Ones” were charged in sacred time and space to be the keepers of the old language, the “twilight language”, the language of the feminine light and wisdom.

Until you can find the access, to that point of connected stillness in your core, the “Ancient Ones” of the dimensional doorways will watch and patiently wait until you are ready.

To access that information that they hold, there are key elements that must be held and embodied before they will give you the wisdoms they carry.
The “Ancient Ones” are notorious for taunting, teasing, testing, and pushing you into the edges of your perceptual flaws. If you cannot face your deepest and darkest self, you are still not ready to emerge into the conscious light that is your truest essence.

This moment is a journey of remembrance, mystery, and reconnecting to the magical flow that is within this life. Until you are fully connected into the great flow of passion that is life, you will find doorways that are locked and blocked to the truths that you carry.
One reason I am here is to show you the doorway to your re-awakening. Within that awakening is the magic that each of you carries.

Perhaps you think you are not ready now.
Just let that thought go and let us go back in time to another place where secrets could be hidden, magic still thrived, and the earth spirits trusted humanity with ancient truths and were willing to protect them from all who would destroy the most precious thing that this earthy existence offered.

~Suzanne Wagner~
Excerpt from my book, “The Beginning of Mandavara”

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