Numerology/Astrology for 8/17/18
8/17/18 is the number 9. The number 9 reminds you that the journey to completion never ends. There is always another mountain to climb and another spiritual place internally to conquer. We are constantly evolving and that is what makes life so wonderful. What are you completing, and do you know where you next growth edge is? Listen to your intuition and allow it to guide you to the next place.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Not all great ideas are going to work out today. Some might have a hidden misunderstanding buried in the muck. What seems good may be not so practical down the road. Don’t believe everything that is told to you. You might just regret it later.
Fortunately there is a playfulness today and emotions explode with laughter and song. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Those feelings that have been more difficult to express are going to be easier to explain and move today. Your imagination guides your mind in a more aligned way. Others get it and it allows for things to shift.
There is an ease and grace today. Know that you are on the right path. Know that you are going to win. Therefore there is no competition that is needed nor any conflict to be afraid of.
We can create a world of win/win. Let that become the new possibility.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Never, Ever, answer to
a whistle, a hand clap,
or someone snapping
their fingers at you.
You are not a dog.
~Aretha Franklin~
There continues to be a feeling that the mind is impaired by the excessive emotions. Thus putting you in a conundrum. People and situations continue to rub the wrong way and with so many opinions, it feels like taking a mud bath rather than a nice calming shower. Don’t let the frustration collapse you. Times are shifting into a new way that allows for the voices of the people to become stronger and stronger. Situations in which you find yourself have a karmic signature for your growth and hidden layers of information to help you uncover what has been denied. Allow the true feelings to come to the surface. Allow those close to you to see your vulnerability. Allow them the tools to really get to know what you need in each moment to open. That will give you a lot of peace when you don’t have to use your precious energy to constantly defend your old positions. They are already shattered beyond repair and that is probably a good thing. Instead of building walls that separate, build doors to connect with each person and living thing in this world. You will find that from that place there will be many that will stand with you to protect your heart and authentic self. You are never alone. You have just put yourself behind mental walls that prevent others from giving you what you need to grow.
~Suzanne Wagner~