August 26, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 8/27/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 26, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 8/27/21

8/27/21 is the number = 22

Add the 8 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 22. Or 2 + 2 = 4.
The Number 4 asks us to look at all things today with the objectivity and clarity of the number 4. It is often hard to stay neutral (the number 4). It is hard to observe without allowing the reactivity of the mind to take control of the soul. But that is what we are down here learning. It is a powerful journey, to remain open to the suffering in the world but to be in such a calm state that we can do something about it without getting miserable ourselves.

When difficult moments happen in life, those that get caught up in the trauma drama often do not help in the long run.
It is those that come in with a calm demeanor and open heart, that listen and give clear support and insight that make the biggest difference and can support us through trying times.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon shifts out of Aries and into Taurus around the bewitching hour in the middle of the night. Appreciate that energetic shift from pushing (Aries) into comforting (Taurus). Probably just what we need.

This Taurus Moon will trine to the Sun in Virgo, giving energy and support to those things that give us joy and pleasure. We may find that encouraging others is a natural occurrence and deeply appreciated.
It also might feel as if a few things slow down and begin to even out. Sometimes those things that seem more familiar and that bring joy are just what we need to regroup and reclaim our center.
It feels right to do things with less urgency and concern. With Uranus in retrograde it gives us that much needed chance to attempt to bring back some normalcy.

Mercury and Jupiter will quincunx making us feel slightly wobbly in our choices and making it wise for us to not make any command decisions today.

We just cannot see things as clearly as we would like.

It is still a good idea to make a plan, be willing to adjust the plan, and then when it works, follow through with that plan.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Those sensitive to philosophy, focus and orient themselves towards understanding the nature of human existence.

Those sensitive to spiritual aesthetics are intuitively connected to something within that knows there are forces at work guiding us through this existence.

~Suzanne Wagner~


The highly sensitive often feel apart from others.

Apart from the shallow chit-chat and those things that others mindlessly loop around.

Highly sensitive people recognize that most things that humans seem to want to focus on, appear to them as filled with ego, lack of sensitivity, mean-spirited, and empty.

They marvel that many do not see their vacuous expression of life that they are showing the world nor the lack of appreciation for the beauty and wonder that surrounds them in every moment.

I remember watching the lives of some as if watching a television show. Detached from the obvious caricature that was walking, talking, living, and breathing in front of me.
I remember, looking that the pets of those people and hearing or sensing the distress of those animals that know all too well, what their owners are up to.
Often those animals would talk to me, asking for my help in making them understand what those animals needed or desired to communicate.

I have often wondered how it would be to live in such a way where I was so numb that I was unaware of so much happening all around me.
It seemed life would feel empty and so depressing.
I have repeatedly chosen to live my way instead. Somehow knowing that being gapped from what was really going on was not healthy on any level.
I recognized that enlightenment is a journey to become more aware … not more empty, vacuous, numb, and in my own private bubble.
I also recognize that being so aware and noticing so much is overwhelming to some and exhausting to others.
One has to be willing to relish in the complexity of life to be able to invite more awareness in.

I have explained to those awakening, that “Open is Open!” Meaning that being open is not supposed to be a selective process. Being open to life, spirit, and other realms allows me to recognize those petty personal moments but to then choose out of them.
There are always more things to expand into and become aware of.
There are always more dimensions of existence to traverse and experience.

To me this is a wondrous place to journey through.

And I am grateful for each and every moment.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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