Numerology/Astrology for 8/28/19
8/28/19 is the number 3. The number 3 is a number of magic and synchronicity. When things show up in 3’s it means something significant. It is a number that reminds you that angels and guides are attempting to get your attention. Three feathers, three coins, three birds, three of the same messages, etc. All are signals to pay attention and that something is about to happen. It is a type of early warning system. A way to get you to notice things happening outside of your own mind.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon is still in the warm and caring sign of Leo. Let your heart open to those in need and to places in the world that are suffering. Put your money where your mouth is. Meaning that it is time to financially support helping this planet and all its inhabitants.
Mars trines Uranus giving you a great interest in all things technical. The unusual is pulling you into deep studies in fields such as astrology and archeology. You are curious to know how this moment in time connects into the larger patterns in time. You know they mean something and you want to make sense out of this senseless slaughter of life on this planet. The rut you have been living in has become claustrophobic and you need to move desperately. The protection you have placed around you is no longer working. Now it is time to move out of that old safety zone and while it may feel a bit unusual, it is imperative for your growth and development. Tolerating the present established parameters is no longer worth the energy and effort. You have to begin to shift.
Progressive impulses become even stronger and you want to actively do something very different.
The Moon in Leo squares Uranus. The bad tempers in others continues. The changeability of situations can set others off (especially if they are over-wrought and stressed). There is a need to express your views and individualism. Your will explodes outward or sensually inward. Be careful how you choose to move with this energy. You can progress in technical ways if you apply yourself.
With the Moon in Leo trining Jupiter, there is a shift into a popularity movement towards doing things that make a difference. You want to realize something that feels strong in your gut. You want change and you are willing to make it happen.
The Sun forms a quincunx to Chiron (the wounded/healer/teacher) bringing up some much needed doubt in your choices and brining issues more into the forefront. While this will undermine your old level of confidence, it is needed to get you out of your ego position.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I had a dream and it was so big
It covered the sky with its hope.
A dream for freedom.
A dream for hope.
A dream for possibility.
A dream for life.
We believe that our dreams
can come true.
We believe that our hopes
are a part of a universal flow.
But in life there are monsters
that live in towers of gold
And they care not for those dreams
that live in the minds of those
they consider less than.
We have to look
the monsters in the face
Call them out and
bring them disgrace.
Because those that care
are still there.
Under the stones
and broken bones
Thrown from the
towers of gold
That protect those
that no longer hold
Any form of truth or love.
As they floated in their ego above.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Choices and actions change the vibratory pattern that a person carries. We are attracted to people because of a vibration that is in harmony with us or a tone to which we can energetically connect with. And that is what magnetically draws us together.
But people do change.
We change all the time based on our choices and to what we feel we need to energetically align with.
As beings we cannot help but to take on the vibrations of those that we encounter.
The ideas and beliefs of others influence us.
Sometimes they fill in gaps in the places where we have not grown or evolved.
It is just the way of the natural order.
So that is why people in our life come and go.
They make choices and those choices change their vibration and energetic signature. And suddenly there is no connection.
As fast as some connections can happen they can just as easily shift into the opposite pattern.
And it is as if you cannot recognize who you thought you knew.
That is because the person you knew is not vibrating in that space at this time.
In reality they are not the same person at all.
This becomes more obvious in people who are not completely aligned with their deepest self. When they are lost and still seeking to discover who they are, they are vulnerable to being taken over by energies and vibrations that fill in the gaps in their energetic field.
The worst is when you are a strong soul and you know who and what you are but that “friend” is not so strong in their own center. And someone of a particular energetic influence comes in and they literally seem to change who they are and their beliefs overnight.
There is nothing you can do but let them go on their journey.
They may or may not recognize the change.
You cannot wait for others, you have to go on your way.
You can never go back.
You must discover your own evolution of your consciousness.
You do not need others to grow.
But some need to belong to a group in order to feel safe enough to evolve.
And safety is important if you have not had it in your life.
~Suzanne Wagner~