Numerology/Astrology for 8/4/18
8/4/18 is the number 5. The number 5 is about freedom. But to have freedom you have to have a say and you have to have choice. You have a progression of passion in your soul that wants to continue to grow and expand in this world. But to do that you have to have systems that allow for the freedom of spirit and the ability to express what you feel. We live in a world where many different governments try to control the people through fear and intentionally limit their ability to have and get information, thus making them dependent on what the systems give them and want them to have. The number 5 is the number of asking questions. But if you cannot ask questions or you cannot get real answers then the systems are broken. It is up to the people to claim their independence and freedom from those systems and to change those systems when they no longer serve the people. The number 5 is a practical and get real quality that cannot look away. It cannot pretend it does not see destructive patterns and suffering. It cannot ignore what is really happening. So today is a good day and a hard day. Because the continued patterns that are breaking down all the bubbles and illusions are exhausting to everyone. But those out there that are using all their life force energy (the number 5) to maintain destructive patterns are in a worse place. Because life is about balance and the energy that you have to use to hold up patterns that are out of balance takes a toll on the soul and the emotional, physical, and mental health of those individuals.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
It is possible that your confidence takes flight in the face of mounting uncertainty and shifting grounds. This is not the day to play the confrontation game. You also can’t run for the hills. If you can choose delay and a moderate compromise instead. Situations will eventually return but don’t make choices that over time will give you diminishing returns.
Emotional explosions are highly likely. Do not allow yourself to get pulled under by the outbursts of others. Things are turbulent, but you can make them positive if you focus and do not allow others to distract you off course. You have to metaphorically catch a train that is beginning to go out of the station. You can make it, but you cannot dawdle or wait. Let it be an exciting rush of energy and life force that will help you get on that train that you wish to embark upon.
Today is a day where there are inner communications and subtle messages that are being passed. Use those messages from spirit to give this day to inspired deeds that are done selflessness and without need for personal gain.
Know that the company you keep is some that brings ease and grace.
I know that you want to maintain old routines and consolidate existing agendas and projects. The desire for familiar routine is strong and that is going to give you the stability that will support your forward growth.
Yet there is another pull that wants to say, “Out with the old and in with the new. It makes you question whether you are out of step with others on an emotional level. Public situations cause stress and your image needs to be reworked. You might feel like you are out of the loop and not sure you want to get into the present loop that seems to be negatively happening.
Emotions might feel a bit stiff and work distracted. You don’t feel bad, but you don’t feel your best either. Just remember in such moments to be tender and kind regardless.
Know that there are continued discrepancies in life right now and your means of expression does not feel organic and in a flow. I know you want to make changes and solve problems, but the mountain of problems seems to keep growing no matter what you manage to accomplish in your Herculean day. It is okay. Try to not worry and just do what you can in each moment.
Know that since you are out of sorts your judgment is temporarily impaired by your emotional state and intensity. Others may make you feel insecure and rubbed the wrong way. Remember that hurt feelings are opportunities for healing. Do everything in your power to build new bridges rather than burn bridges down.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Being aware and fully conscious
in a negative situation requires
a type of center and willingness
to see beyond the ego’s illusions
and into the harsh light and depth
that truth requires of you.
Being positive in such situations
requires a foresight
and a type of clarity that sees beyond
this moment and into the equation
that is about the potential of life
and love to expand
regardless of circumstances.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Life is a maze which at times makes you feel as if you are terribly lost. You wander around at first in the maze of the mind. That is the testing ground for all souls to discover the limitlessness that is possible and the infinite potential that is available when you learn to control your emotional response to the minds chaos. Until then, you will wander around bouncing between believing you know the way and falling into despair when you recognize that you do not. When you stop wandering aimlessly around and stop seeking to find something, you discover that what you are seeking … you actually already are. In that moment the external becomes irrelevant and the internal becomes the most interesting. Because life is a circle and it loops around until you recognize that it is you that keeps making the spirals.
~Suzanne Wagner~